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Bearers Poems - Poems about Bearers

Bearers Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bearers to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bearers.

Doli bearers
I saddened to see the merciless scene daily, ...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
The Lantern Bearers
My fellow pilgrims on life’s path, I greet you here today To share a tale of gratitude For help along our way. Our best route is the straightest path, And narrow from the gate. But most of us went crashing through As...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, allegory, angel, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme

Bearers Their Names Pressurize
Now, many things we accept, Nearly each conveyed precept: Bearers their names pressurize And life's success summarize: Sure serpent' who is Linda; Access to God could hinder "Sauls" to burn like a cinder "Dinah's" denied Umbrella "Tamars" Destined Cinderella You answer to David...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, age, education, god, people,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Torch-Bearers
Although, God shows no favoritism to any soul For Each soul is a part of Him, He is delighted to respond to any man's plea for: Light Truth virtue, justice, and wisdom Since God knows that these men May become the saviors and torch-bearers; Of love Of mercy Of...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, god, humanity, love,
Form: Free verse
Being a frontline health careworker has us all consumed with fear A nursing home filled with the elderly could become a catastrophic atmosphere If the Coronavirus enters their home it would be almost impossible to curtail Most have underlying health...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, caregiving,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member For the New Torch Bearers
FOR THE NEW TORCH BEARERS (REVISITED) (APROPOS MLK: PART 2) They voyaged over many tempestuous oceans and seas; They were pursued in woods by vicious dogs—dogs Salivating stale slave...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, allegory, analogy, celebration, hope,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member For the New Torch Bearers
FOR THE NEW TORCH BEARERS (APROPOS MLK: 2) I have voyaged over many tempestuous oceans and seas; I have been pursued in woods by vicious dogs, Salivating stale slave smells left in hanging trees; Been...Read the rest...
Categories: bearers, america, anniversary, black african
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry