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Bataan Poems - Poems about Bataan

Poems about Science 1: Climate
...Climate Change Haiku by Michael R. Burch late November: climate skeptics scoff but the geese no longer migrate. The King of Beasts in the Museum of the Extinct by Michael R. Burch Th......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, earth, earth day, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Various Heresies 10
...Various Heresies 10 God to Man, Contra Bataan by Michael R. Burch Earth, what-d’ya make of global warming? Perth is endangered, the high seas storming. Now all my creatures, from maggot ......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, bible, christian, earth, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member 1942 Bataan Death March
...THEY MARCHED* for miles in blistering heat THEY MARCHED with nothing to drink or eat THEY MARCHED as soldiers, Filipinos alike, THEY MARCHED over trails others had hiked BLOOD FILLED the path of ......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, anger, appreciation, memorial,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Onslaught
...#One should be cautious in starting a war, but once begun, it should be carried out thoroughly# #Quote by Hirohito circa Dec 1942# Onslaught As little......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, allusion, america, world war
Form: Rhyme
What Discursive Poetic Theme Shall I Write About
...Hmm...What Discursive Poetic Theme Shall I Write About... Today (a rather brisk, chilly, and otherwise sat tiss factory twirly delightful December 18th, 2018) matte her of fact quite refreshi......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, abuse, allusion, america, analogy,
Form: Bio

The Greatest Generation
...THE GREATEST GENERATION by JOHN M. ARRIBAS Many Have Called Them the Greatest Generation They Had Struggled and Survived, an Ugly Depression It Was an Era of Hard Times and Simple Divers......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, america, courage, freedom, patriotic,
Form: Free verse
Out of Water: Bataan
...We left the barracks in mid-March, With snow still on the ground, Drove two days across the border, To participate in a multi-national event, Commemorating the World War II atrocities, The Japan......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, character, freedom, military, remember,
Form: Narrative
The Scent of Water
...He was a large soldier, standing well over six feet. In World War II; imprisoned in the Philippines. Thousands perished on the Bataan Death March. They were brutally beaten; starved and parched. Wan......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, hope, husband, soldier, war,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Disabled Vet
...THE DISABLED VET Many wars have come and gone These wars took men away from home Some of them did not return But the memory of them will always burn Deep within this country's heart These......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, freedom, integrity, loss, men,
Form: Rhyme
At the Vfw Post In Buang, Phillipines
...At the VFW Post in Buang, Philippines they know Macarthur Staggering off then Swaggering back onto These Philippines Islands and the Wail of Hirohito Drowning in chorus with the headsman’s gush......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, historyold, old,
Form: Free verse
In An Unknown Grave He Lies
...This is about a man whose name is Jesse Born In Kansas and raised in Missouri Was called to fight for his beloved country And assigned to defend an outlying territory Jesse fought as hard as ......Read the rest...
Categories: bataan, death, family, death, heart,
Form: Elegy

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry