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Banners Poems - Poems about Banners

Banners Poems - Examples of all types of poems about banners to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for banners.

Premium Member Offensive banners
Why are we seeing isis flags? that waved before above Those who were to be be-headed !! Why does the government not put such horror to bed? Where is the right to live in peace? A Britian integral, where...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, allegory, appreciation, character, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Flags Aren'T Banners To Settle Matters On Your Behalf
Can one remain calm ignoring violence? Can angry words have the power to infuriate, or change minds while they are searching for those answers too uncertain and chilling? No quest more alluring than this has plagued me more ardently...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, abuse, anger, change, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Emblazoned On Their Banners
Emblazoned… On their banners! Numbers placed upon us, by government officials, taking money from foreign countries, because they can, because we let them. Sons and daughters holding jobs, titles without chores, money behind closed doors, cheaters and...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, abortion, allah, america, anti
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Spangled Star Banners
Oh say, did you notice a national predative anthem? Moving immediately urgently, without reflection of starlight sent or received, From waving flags predicting elite weapons fueled by complexly masculine emasculating militarized corporate industries of mutual defensive risks against international cooperative opportunities to coinvest In smoke-filled dawns...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, health, identity, immigration, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Meek Manners and Bold Banners
Droves and groves of darkness driven in rickshaws of dissipation Shake to their foundation heaps and drips of innocence Grown in salient steps in anticipation That progress pricks open wounds of imbalance Weighed against flares of care cultivated In travails...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, poems,
Form: Free verse

A Place With No Banners
Where I am is not for you, Your banner does not wave here, do not knock on this door, don't tread on my space. Your hands are not welcome here, You do not help,only harm. You cannot trap me with...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, america, betrayal, conflict, freedom,
Form: Dodoitsu
Red Banners Swirl
red banners swirl dragon's flame huffs upward merging yin yang Contest :Chinese New Year...Read the rest...
Categories: banners, blessing, celebration,
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things