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Autumns Poems - Poems about Autumns

Autumns Poems - Examples of all types of poems about autumns to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for autumns.
Premium Member Autumns descend like birds of fire, with wings spread wide
Autumns descend like birds of fire, with wings spread wide, covering the earth with a carpet of leaves burning in the colors of sunset, each rustle an echo of lost childhood, a cry of time, where the soul...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumns Beauty
Colors fade Petals curl slowly Grudgingly Succumbing To Autumn’s beauty ...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, beauty, irony,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member An Autumns Night Sensuality
Don't you dare whisper a warm breath on my shoulder, Or I might become even yet more, steamy and bolder! Here~on this intoxicating, Western, autumnal night. I wish I were, I wish I might, be your amorous slave...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, imagery, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member autumns beauty
autumns beauty soars cornucopias harvest death of green folliage...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, seasons,
Form: Haiku
flowers all gone now grasses dried out color brown seasons autumn fall cool cold brisk blank air below fifty degrees so season change winter after autumn falls everything’s not dead just brown dormant is the grounds 12/13/2023 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr....Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, analogy, appreciation, destiny, engagement,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member AUTUMNS WINTER-
autumns sun not warm nigh enough soon be winter's dawn coolness turns to ~ imaginate the calms humble peace cold drifting cool turns cold winter 12/6/23 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2023© ...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, analogy, introspection, tribute, uplifting,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Autumns Past
oh those autumns past....cinnamon cider kisses warmed by the bonfire...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, fire, kiss, nostalgia,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Autumns Bonfires
Bonfires capture moods laughter and friendship is shared smiling children play...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, fire,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Autumns Spring Forth Tears!
Just sitting down in my most visited space looking back with eyes wide open not closed viewing the scene again this time the life took my thoughts to a once-upon-a-time-sweet taste of a beginner's life!...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, appreciation, cheer up, courage,
Form: Narrative
Branching Autumns
A more naked light filters through branching nervous systems. A fade and shade seeps into dendritic pathways shedding forever falling leaves, recollections of so many dissolving autumnal moments....Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, poetry,
Form: Free verse
A Story Using 9 Haikus Autumns Ballet Show
In the cinnamon noon, Brushing amber leaves scatter, Harvest hues emerge. Honey glow delights, Golden mist cakes the forest, Nature blanketed. Crimson kisses fall, Leaves perform a waltz swirl, Autumn’s love affair. Embers of lost emeralds, Shimmer in the fading light, Secrets of the woods. Like wind-swept...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, imagery, writing,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Autumns Arrival
Summer shakes hands with Autumn and says goodbye The trees sway in the wind the leaves begin to fly A multitude of colors blend together Announcing the arrival of a change in weather The rain begins to spill from...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, nature, rain, weather, wind,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Autumns Delicacies
Outside my windowpane Daylight dwindles Sunshines sparsely Further from the new dome skies Ninety-three million miles away Imbued in ripened colors Nature’s mahogany, oak, and cherrywood trees and Jogger’s grassy paths once lime greens, Chanting to changing tones of...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumns Final Bow
At the end of her most vibrant display Autumn takes a final bow; her splendor, turned to parchment crisps, skeletal trees are revealed, their arthritic limbs stretching into a white, frigid sky. Squirrels fill the barren void with plenty of...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, appreciation, autumn, nature, poems,
Form: Free verse
Autumns Touch
They carpet the ground, Dried and separated from their railings, Their lustre, taken by the season, Their hue is absorbed by the agents holding sway. They are gathered together, Raked in heaps and bunches, Collected in vessels. A duty bequeathed to us. A...Read the rest...
Categories: autumns, autumn, nature, seasons,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry