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Atman Poems - Poems about Atman

Atman Poems - Examples of all types of poems about atman to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for atman.

Premium Member Husnal Charag
your beauty, hidden inside can only be felt, or experienced but not explained, in words, or otherwise for it is perfect, pure, infinite that illuminates the elements of my soul in a mystic radiance that leads me to the lotus...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Aspiring Atman
In the dark alley of time my mind-body duality wanders With the life stumbling on the hazards of blunders The frailty of the unknown far-off future destined Casts shadows of despair on my innate...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, analogy, life, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

I The Formless emanates forms One is many ... Things Spirit is Living Word Hiding me under Wings II Brahma and Atma, Unity Despite all the diversity Do not dismiss Ambiguity For Father, Son, Spirit-Holy III No time, beyond space Faceless, Face of Grace Immaterial with material...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, analogy, bible, creation, dance,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dickinson Love - Or What the Dickens
I If u loved, you may write sound poetry; If u loved & lost, words add a higher degree Of lonely beauty and crowded clarity As was true of Dickinson, POET, Lady, my EMILY II Life and breath can yield great...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, for her, loss, love,
Form: Epigram
I Am Shiva, Shiva Am I
Mind, intellect ego, nor echoes they spell, Nor sense of hearing, speech, nor of smell, Nor am I earth, fire, air, nor yet space, I’m Shiva, awareness and bliss. Nor vital Life-force, nor five breath fields, Seven essences,...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, joy, self, spiritual,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Atman, Atman
I have no clue what Krshna taught Arjuna but I like the name Atman a lot. Atman. Atman. Where a man is at. At all times. No matter what. Gita, get in the action, gorgeous girl, God is the answer,...Read the rest...
Categories: atman, leadership, men, mystery, teacher,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things