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Assimilate Poems - Poems about Assimilate

Assimilate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about assimilate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for assimilate.
Up And Life Below
...Life is high and low state Depending on how you assimilate things The eyes is the window of your soul Your perception differs the meaning On top your sight is too sharp Even the slightest moveme......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, life, meaningful, perspective, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
Y this
...You better believe what your bringing Cause I'm cracking out these lyrics and leaving your ears ringing I'm like the angels that sing on high See all of humanity and ask why Cause I'll give you a......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, dedication, rap,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My Gutenberg Bible
... From Genes to Brains to Books Lap in words from these Brooks Pan ideas heavy to swirl analysis There, assimilate your anonymous Fill your Mind to cast first Editions Emulate Gutenberg's Im......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, inspiration, words, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The impostor
...The perfect convict, without a name, without thoughts, destined to obey in a universe that weighs my mortal soul on the scale of immortality, I was born to die at the silent demand of my parents who ......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, death, emotions, fate, heaven,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Spiritual Revival
... Reset your body with the affirmative motion of your awakened senses dear child Invigorate your soul and proclaim your life through the middle way and let the self assimilate ......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Bank rolled by billionaires
...Bank rolled by billionaires No matter Tuesday, November 5, 2024 still one hundred and eight days away, (thank you Julian Date Calendar - FOR LEAP YEARS ONLY), I believe a foregone conclusion ......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Saw God But Now What
... In the archaic anchorage of the wayward mind, isolated from the righteous roots of transcendental inviolability by the dislodging drive of the deriding desires, untamed instincts shroud......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, analogy, god, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thought of the day
...touch, imbibe and assimilate ~ love that takes us to heaven’s gate......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, love,
Form: Couplet
Atomic Canary
...Atomic Canary Angels seed The death bell tolls to the masses Putin ill be your dog Netanyaho ill be your dog I love this land This is where I want yo die Sing a song Soul from the Earth A......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, anger, anti bullying, bird,
Form: Free verse
the hill of epitaphs
...In the dirty hands of poverty, Scavengers of the Republic of Enlightenment Quench their thirst under the eyelids of the proletarians. A sinecure of hard drugs To silence the lamentations of t......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, 12th grade, allegory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The bliss continuum
...Looking at flow of life as a seamless whole and feeling within, polarities mingle, as we joyously play out our ordained role, the eye of soul in our heart becomes single. Becoming living light th......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, joy, spiritual,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Pawn to Silence
...I was cursed with ink intoxicating blank canvases with toxic scribbles, releasing twisted tales of suppressed troubles. I was a forsaken ebony rose in satan's grasp, kneeling on ungod......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, england, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member As a petal blossoms
...Wisdom scriptures speak of imbibed, simply being unresistant and as bliss on heart is inscribed, God’s light no longer seems distant. As bliss burns in mind-body urn, pristine presence awaits......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Getting a Grasp on Our Thoughts
...When trying to grasp thoughts through our mind’s haze, It’s like trying to escape a thought maze. As the bits and pieces accumulate, How will they connect, how will they relate? We try to relat......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, creation, imagery, integrity, introspection,
Form: Sonnet
Assimilate poised in window the dear was raised with large dogs~ juts neck, barks meow......Read the rest...
Categories: assimilate, art,
Form: Senryu

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