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Assembling Poems - Poems about Assembling

Some 2025's additional personal updates part one Q and A
...Q: Just because World War 11 started both in Europe and the Pacific, does that mean that WW 111 has to do also? A: No, the third WW will start in the middle east and Israel will be involv......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
Premium Member A Shoebox Of Emotions
...Dusty Box of Memories Poetry Contest Constance La France "We'll wheel where our wills take us and never tirer loving the ones that love us." Quote by author I kept his birthday card in a shoe......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, death, heartbroken,
Form: Narrative

...[Quantum Superposition] "A particle can exist in multiple states or places simultaneously until measured." To my lover, I was first a beaming stranger, then a sunflower whose juice sustained h......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, adventure, confidence, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
We Who Allow Devotion to End us
...|We Who Allow devotion to end us. {"My stability, our integrity, transpires to be poaching down into a gap of nothingness. I would coincidentally praise myself for not ceasing to function as a new......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
...KINGDOM COME The blood runs hot through royal veins Ready for the throne, and to finally rule But it has now to be a battle, not a duel What one pretender loses, another gains In muddy field......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, conflict, judgement, leadership,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Person I want to be
...Swirling my eyes around and ‘round Into a pile of leaves, I see my assemblage point swirl, too. I'm looking back at me in a tornado of thoughts Assembling the ground around below me, My suppo......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, desire,
Form: Free verse
A letter to Chidume
...You came and perceived, driving through every life tussle, in the hustle of frowns, smiles and laughter, conquering everyday tasks in your unique way! The poet in me acclaims and writes this po......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, eulogy, farewell, memory,
Form: Free verse
At Writers At
...They spoke of Dragons, Werewolves, Zombies, Vampires, so much more Unaware of the gathering danger Assembling down there on the floor. At The At Writers weekly gathering An association of comfo......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, fantasy, humor, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Universal Chaos Song
...In the cosmic dance, where stars collide, Galaxies spiral, and planets ride. Saturn’s rings shimmer, Jupiter’s dim, Moons circle round, a celestial hymn. From quasars’ crescendo to......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, creation, heaven, universe,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Found Heartily Exuded
...Is my notepad a blank space, canvass or image-ridden spot, thoughts of aqua bead elation, mesmerise beyond the fence, they jump gaudy traffic lights, but runaway relish cuts wild shape, when fa......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, art, birth, care, color,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rivers of thoughts flow through my mind, like dreams lost in the endless ocean of memories
...Rivers of thoughts flow through my mind, like dreams lost in the endless ocean of memories, Spreading night over my heart, searching for answers among falling stars, Departed from a "home"......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Scratching Fanny in Cock Lane A true tale
...Scratching Fanny in Cock Lane, a true tale The year1762 a tale of murder or mystery they boast A teenage girl, a drunken parish clerk, and maybe even a ghost About hordes of aristocrats and wealt......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, murder, mystery,
Form: Ode
...LETS TANGO Nobody said, Let’s go to war But an invasion, well I never An Atlantic territory, remote Who’d respond, they thought Or perhaps get overwrought Eight thousand miles by boat Surely......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, ocean, recovery from, war,
Form: Rhyme
Ever beating heart
...Stones in motion A valley trembling I see the notion An ever ending Has there been rest It is still pending When it arrived I stopped pretending I take a breath The sun is shining The sum......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Her Art
...Her mind accumulates the mechanics of metaphysics. Pieces of something she is sculpting or assembling - word-pictures too intricate to be entirely recalled upon a whole canvas. She discover......Read the rest...
Categories: assembling, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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