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Approximating Poems - Poems about Approximating

Approximating Poems - Examples of all types of poems about approximating to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for approximating.
Don ta Ask Me Bout Exacerbation Of Trumpeted FAKE News
...Don (ta) Ask Me 'Bout Exacerbation Of Trumpeted "FAKE" News written September 19th, 2018, and following words still ring (more true) today – exactly six years later. The then forty fifth prez ......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, absence, abuse, addiction, america,
Form: Rhyme
Though no political pundit, nevertheless
...Though no political pundit, nevertheless... I trumpet the withdrawal of democratic contender from out the presidential race. Breaking headline news story courtesy rumor monger premieres show......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, america, anxiety, blue, dark,
Form: Free verse

The Daily Star Thursday issue
...The Daily Star Thursday issue... announces Summer Solstice 2024 regarding purr ray zing planetary earthlings paying obeisance to god/goddess of the sun Thursday, June twentieth at 4:51 Post M......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, anniversary, beauty, celebration, june,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Insomnia welcomed courtesy high test coffee
...Insomnia welcomed courtesy high test coffee consumed later at night than usual finds me bright eyed and bushy tailed amply lively to learn about an American radio and television personality ......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, abuse, age, america, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Figurative Paralysis Laid Waste Body Electric of Mine
...Figurative paralysis laid waste body electric of mine This is Spinal tap bamboozling, binding, bleeding, bombing... ripped from every dog eared and book marked page recounting latest ill fat......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, absence, adventure, allusion, analogy,
Form: Free verse

Booby Trapped Within Apartment Unit B44
...Booby trapped within apartment unit b44 Circa August 18th, 2021 three bajillion years ago to date, nevertheless I count blessings, so please do not hashtag me as worse than an ingrate or o......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, adventure, anxiety, confusion, divorce,
Form: Rhyme
The Daily Star Tuesday Issue
...The daily star Tuesday issue... announces Summer Solstice 2023 regarding ray zing planetary earthlings Wednesday, June twenty first at 10:57 Ante Meridian Eastern standard time will find Ea......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, age, angel, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Bounteous Mass Media Mechanizations
...Bounteous mass media mechanizations... generate fixation spurring sexual exploitation evidenced courtesy adulation particularly regarding young females, whose seductive poses linkedin selling (......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
No Roof For Reindeer
...No Roof For Reindeer The celebrated sailing frog from Montgomery County went a courtin, or so the tale iz toad to a grand ole mansion built around 1910, and e'en 'pon being razed ~2012 ah n......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, absence, adventure, animal, childhood,
Form: Rhyme
The Daily Star Announces Summer Solstice 2022
...The daily star announces Summer Solstice 2022 Tuesday, June twenty first at 5:13 Ante Meridian Eastern standard time will find Earth's North Pole tilted closest toward sun. This demarcates ......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Bring On the Rejection Slips
...Bring on the rejection slips... and/or try distilling my spirits at losing gamble if curious (by George) proceed reading reasonable rhyme, I guarantee the following words ramble. Though flu......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
2022 Rental Rebate Plus Affordable Rent Yippee Yi Yo 1
...courtesy of management in general and particularly Jackie Geiger assistant property agent. One benefit living social at Highland Manor Apartments until decrepit and bent... constitutes qual......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, appreciation, april, blessing, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Alpha and Omega
...alpha first, beginning calculating, enhancing, computing be-all, God, end-all, mentor rivaling, approximating, watching ......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, creation, poetry, words,
Form: Diamante
Booby Trapped Within Apartment Unit B44
...Lemme titillate thee regarding myself daily soldiering thru breastworks read out loud to experience where dangerfield lurks twenty five years a husband unknown marital perks bachelorhood to die f......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, abuse, adventure, confusion, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Summer Solstice 2021 I
...Sunday, June twentieth thousand nineteen at eleven fifty at 11:31 Post Meridian Eastern Standard Time will find Earth's North Pole tilted closest toward sun. This demarcates most daylight hou......Read the rest...
Categories: approximating, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry