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Apostles Poems - Poems about Apostles

Apostles Poems - Examples of all types of poems about apostles to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for apostles.

Premium Member All Twelve Apostles: A Tyburn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETER or SIMON the YOUNGER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slower lower grower thrower Christ calls~"Have faith,"~slower~lower~rock Build church~confuse~grower~thrower~flock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANDREW the ELDER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ netter better petter getter Catch fish~Greek~Saint~netter~better~first Bonds~apprise Christ~petter~getter~versed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAMES of ZEBEDEE the GREATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ marvelled compelled upheld rebelled Wonder~victim~marvelled~compelled~zeal Witness~fiery~upheld~rebelled~peal ~~~~~~~~~~~ JOHN of ZEBEDEE ~~~~~~~~~~~ observed deserved conserved unnerved Flux~beloved~observed~deserved~great Cross Christ foot~zeal~conserved~unnerved~trait ~~~~ PHILIP ~~~~ willing filling quilling spilling Holy Ghost fronts~willing~filling~yearn Guides Divine Truth~quilling~spilling~learn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BARTHOLOMEW or NATHANIEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sincere adhere severe revere Gospel~devout~sincere~adhere~true Exquisite pain~severe~revere~blue ~~~~~~~~~~~~ THOMAS...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, allusion, analogy, appreciation, baptism,
Form: Tyburn
Premium Member Jesus Teaching: Apostles Speak For Jesus
Apostles Speak for Jesus Whoever listens to you listens to me Whoever rejects you rejects me And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me [LK 10:16]...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, christian, god, jesus, people,
Form: Haiku

Thanx Apostles - U Praying I Stay With Jesus
I You know who you are; God knows I write for peace, not growing senile As U said, " mixing science" with Faith Easier to join when Love poems arrive; Each apostle# peering in my heart, Intimates medicine, much needed...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, appreciation, bible, jesus, judgement,
Form: Bio
Premium Member The Holy Spirit and His Descent Upon the Apostles
• De-scent’ the act of coming down • En-a’ble to make able • Pen’te-cost, 15 days after Easter • Preach, declare publicly, spread by words of mouth • Sac’ti-fy, to make holy • Strength’en, make strong • Whit’Sun-day, White Sunday The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, christian, god, jesus, mother,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Twelve Apostles
Twelve Apostles Bikers recycled donating organs quite freely...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, bereavement,
Form: Haiku

My Apostles--Argus
I inhabited a small house near the shore where the fishes of men hauled their nets, in dawn’s waters under boats of wood sheltered by thinning masts. Time was when they were like kin of god Trying to feed the...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, fishing, men,
Form: Verse
So; I divulge to the moon. I demonstrate eternal life I divulge credentials When will I be proud When will I be happy I am unhappy I want to digress and plug What shall I do I will digress I want to go to...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, brother,
Form: Ballad
The Apostles
(3/9/12) Different directions the apostles had traveled Most of life’s questions - CHRIST had unraveled. They had questions and doubts as many do But what they saw in CHRIST They knew his words were true. So many miracles that they had...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Twelve Apostles
Greek apostolos = someone sent, messenger The names of the twelve apostles are these First Simon, who is called Peter [Roman Catholic’s 1st pope] and Andrew his brother James the son of Zebedee John his brother Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew the...Read the rest...
Categories: apostles, caregiving, childhood, confusion, depression,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things