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Angry Poems - Poems about Angry

Angry Poems - Examples of all types of poems about angry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for angry.
The house on the corner with the white swing Candles, wine and dreams The darkness that loneliness brings To forgotten mountains You no longer recall any of it We once wrote letters to strangers Pretending they were our friends But now we...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, 8th grade, anger, angst,
Form: Free verse
I'll be Alright
I'm no one's love story My words spiral back to me My love letter never reach the right address I sing my love poems apologetically As if this piece of broken links that connects me to...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, life, light, lonely, lost,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I once had a PE teacher from Lille
I once had a PE teacher from Lille, who cruelly knew how to make me feel like the sweaty, old rag stuffed in her scuffed gym bag to hide her cigs and butt plug of steel....Read the rest...
Categories: angry, anger, humorous, rude, student,
Form: Limerick
Waking Up in a Concrete Building
Sat in rows dressed for summer, we convene to talk about winter and death. There are four screens in the room. ...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, absence, angst, animal, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member ABC - Angry Birds Crowing - Acrostic
Angry Birds Crowing. Distressed Echoes Find God. Hapless, Infernal January. Karma Levels. Mangroves Neutralized. Ornithological Panic. Questions. Razed, Sawdustted Toyon. Unsheltered. Vaporizing Wildfires X-rated. Yowlers Zapped! ...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, animal, death, natural disasters,
Form: ABC

Premium Member Angry Goddess of Daisies
irate Goddess of Daisies did not get her due wrath of her anger rivaled that of old Sue I’m a major deity, she yelled to bells blue. with complete jurisdiction over the likes of you! bluebells liked the Goddess...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hidden Angry Feelings
Hidden angry feelings Never stay silent They scream and kick And punch their way out of a person Sometimes the human is unaware Even after they explode and implode Not realizing that hidden angry feelings Have the authority to kill...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, anger,
Form: Free verse
Angry Alice
Anger becomes a drug Becomes a fix An addiction Anger is easy to eat Slides down your throat Melts on your tongue like butter Sits in your stomach like glass Anger is cold Like ice Or like liquid nitrogen Looks cold until it burns Anger is...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, anger, child abuse, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Your Angry Heart
Please let it go , your angry heart. The blame was mine, I played a part I truely believed, at the start. But life got in the way Unaligned on our starstruck chart My love could not hold sway We...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, break up, sorry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member angry child
please … I beg you, forgive me I’ve been waiting … to grieve to let go of you properly but I can’t … all this time, I didn’t know like fingers, probing blackness I’ve been reaching hoping … praying...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, analogy, candy, child, mother
Form: Free verse
You sighed... ... but none heard. You were angry, Met only with stares from innocent minds. ... Then you cried In the mystique of the night, Muffled sobs escaping...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, anger, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
I look for myself in the mirror All I see is broken clouded eyes and dimmed lights my smile scars my face I don't feel it anymore I don't feel anything nobody needs to know I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, 10th grade, anger, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Be Angry With No Man
Be angry with no man And you will increase your life span. Anger works against your conscience And is a public relations hindrance. Find out the good in everyone For it' is in all under the sun. Admittedly, some do dastardly...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, abuse, anger, bible, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
A Sister's Lament
Is it wrong to feel jealous of my brothers? Am I evil for envying their wild freedom, For wanting, just once, to go where they go, To dance to every beat, lose...Read the rest...
Categories: angry, africa, anger, emotions, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Angry Husband
Everytime he's mad She takes a bowl of cold rice Sit down, eat instead....Read the rest...
Categories: angry, feelings, marriage, relationship,
Form: Senryu

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