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Altruistic Poems - Poems about Altruistic

Altruistic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about altruistic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for altruistic.

Altruistic Blues and Whites
As the wind cascades out in a frenzy motion Nephophilia, a thudder crave Exclamation is a sudden urge Since soft cotton candies switches to pastels and iridescents Looking up close Still immeasurably far The old...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, angel, blue, first love,
Form: Free verse
The Altruistic Lamp
Holding love’s altruistic lamp in her hand She groped around in the falling sun, her Somber shadows were lost in twilight strand, Glorious flute blew its pain to her dour Heart, the wind touched her pale face, told a...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, love,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Glowing
and she glowing in the supporting role of his success posted on August 27, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, dedication, devotion, encouraging, pride,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Altruistic
THE ALTRUISTIC ‘Do Good to others’ An axiomatic truth. ...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, appreciation, how i feel,
Form: Tanka
Hallucination - Axiomatic Altruistic Asseveration
axiomatic altruistic asseveration her striking vehement grudge that suspicious selfless statuette was ample to prejudge axiomatic altruistic asseveration her evident disinterest those envied eyes effectuated clear patent of mistrust axiomatic altruistic asseveration her gestures vivid conveyed that grim garland graded...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, horror, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Altruistic - U Before I
A sense of Being, Feeling the rhythm of hearts, Empathy reaching, Selfless for the whole in parts, No end but plenty of starts. A sense for others, It is never about me, To sense such wonder, Aiding and giving for free, An act of...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, journey, joy, life, love,
Form: Tanka
She Is Altruistic
She is altruistic Always taking care of others Brightening everyone's day Nothing but love that she smothers She shines like a beacon Always willing to go the extra mile Very conscientious at what she does And possesses a heartwarming smile...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, inspiration, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Altruistic Ponderings
I wish someone would explain To me how we can spend Billions of tax dollars On space exploration When we can’t even figure Out how to erase hunger And poverty. Who sets our priorities anyway? Could someone please tell me How it is...Read the rest...
Categories: altruistic, confusion, faith, sad, social,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry