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Also Known As Poems - Poems about Also Known As

Also Known As Poems - Examples of all types of poems about also known as to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for also known as.

Ruse of the evil grimace also known as Blondie
Ruse of the evil grimace also known as "Blondie" A real hunter (and huntress), she stands five feet and tips the scales at most one hundred pounds. Despite looking like a little girl, her stock in trade masks that...Read the rest...
Categories: also known as, abuse, anger, conflict, grave,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member St Aldobrandesca Also Known As St Alda
A Mystic from 13th Century Siena, Italy. She was a popular curiosity in town, because of her many visions, ecstasies, and miracles. Once in a hospital a maid came upon Aldobrandesca in a trance. The...Read the rest...
Categories: also known as, appreciation, faith,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Also Known As, 'Children's Day'
(Start off: Narrative End with: Questionku) 'Twas a double blessed day for me, elated being first in honor of a past request, An invite said in soften tones, amidst a temperate glee, claims a righteous...Read the rest...
Categories: also known as, age, allegory, celebration, children,
Form: Questionku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Tribute To Kemal Amin Kasem, Also Known As Casey Kasem
Perhaps being something of a contrarian and historian I like to spend Sunday mornings playing American Top Forty reruns on the oldies station because I enjoy the songs and stories related to me by Kemal Amin Kasem Also...Read the rest...
Categories: also known as, celebrity, culture, history, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member This Is For the Poet Destroyer a - Also Known As Linda
you carve your words precisely like a master does a flawless diamond infuse your images on the head of a pin not a letter wasted you who speaks from deeper within with every new write never one or one...Read the rest...
Categories: also known as, friendship,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry