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Alloys Poems - Poems about Alloys

Alloys Poems - Examples of all types of poems about alloys to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for alloys.
Premium Member My Bleeding Heart
...bedazzled by jewels beguiled by the gem of you~ diamond eternal as fake gold duals alloys mix unbanding two~ with flames infernal tears drowning in pools blinders tunnel, love ......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, heartbreak, love hurts,
Form: Haiku
Acme Brand
...Ceritifacation you must be Seventeen autherorization to marry from a curcuit court or a a certifacate from a licenced physicain. the act of marrying Jewelled Brooch Granite stone Swages anc......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, business, film, money, music,
Form: Bio

Premium Member snippy snappy sneezy snarly snail
...snippy snappy sneezy snarly snail met Melton Mickey, a piece of mail preening privately in potter’s pail saying Selena’s son Shawn should shortly sail allowing alloys, alligators and aliens ale......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Quartz
...Born of Silicon and Oxygen, you hide in the Earth, Formed in shapes sizes of dust and rocks, and heavy boulders; Midst costly gems and stones and jewels, you have august worth, Electricals and opt......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, nature,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth - With New Footnotes
...God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth! God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth! God bless each day's magnetic field on Earth (1) that shields the human race ......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, love, science, space,
Form: Rhyme

My Ship
...In the deep chambers of thought came an idea of the optimal comfortable personal transport vehicle. An extremely extraordinary craft using off world bio medium technology, with alloys making it ......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, birthday, celebration, courage, future,
Form: Rhyme
Same Tricks
...6/7/22 It's the lamest I hate it All these snake pits Another rapist and racist You name it Still to this day it's The same tricks And same Don't tell me to watch my language Why's......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, dark, deep, life, rap,
Form: Rhyme
When I Died Last Night
...*WHEN I DIED LAST NIGHT* I never had it that smooth That I had to get up bed so cool Seem like my power-packed so full Gazing in the sky so blue The doors never again squeaked And the gate......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, allusion, bereavement, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
The Armageddon In the Niger Delta
...*THE ARMAGEDDON IN THE SOUTH* Blessed with inestimable reservoirs Countless traps sealing gas yet untouched Seated on wealth beyond its numbers Wealth to sustain their tenth generations ......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, abuse, anger, break up,
Form: Free verse
Christmas Villanelle
...CHRISTMAS VILLANELLE Come join the birthday, celebrate, rejoice For One who woke the world to set it free To sing our carols with uplifted voice Then with His blessings and with power of cho......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, christmas,
Form: Villanelle
Free Verse Iii
...Salve by Michael R. Burch for the victims and survivors of 9-11 The world is unsalvageable ... but as we lie here in bed stricken to the heart by love despite war’s flickering images, ......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, body, desire, kiss, love,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Poems Vi
...Poems about Poems VI The Board by Michael R. Burch Accessible rhyme is never good. The penalty is understood? soft titters from dark board rooms where the businessmen paste on their hair a......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, extended metaphor, heaven, muse,
Form: Rhyme
Sonnets Xc-Xcvii
...Sonnets XC-XCVII Artificial Smile by Michael R. Burch I’m waiting for my artificial teeth to stretch belief, to hollow out the cob of zealous righteousness, to grasp life’s stub between cle......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, art, grave, grief, life,
Form: Sonnet
Thousands of Robots Is Not Enough
...Armies of robots parade the streets of comfort Pretend children hand them balloons that pop They too are made of metallic alloys sharp Objects have been known to burst on contact Computations a......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, business, creation, identity, power,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Favored Poems
...Favoured poems allow me to feel blessed, letting me rejoice Announcing soul’s gratefulness midst apathetic noise Vouching expression anchored upon faith’s poise Optimi......Read the rest...
Categories: alloys, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Acrostic

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