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Allows Poems - Poems about Allows

Allows Poems - Examples of all types of poems about allows to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for allows.
In my passing by I am standing still I'm not interested in the pleasures unmarried no I am interested in her vessel Alas, but first My spiritual eye sees what's inside Her Father allows her heart...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, analogy, how i feel,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member God Allows Sleeping Daughters To Rest-Cd
Sleep well dear one with the Good angels of God Ever Watching Over You, Ever always Amen 4/27/22 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. ©2021...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, analogy, care, daughter, sleep,
Form: Light Verse

As Long As Time Allows
Oh, beloved one, dear to me you art. I pledge myself to you with marriage vows. A solemn oath with my hand on my heart... I shall love you as long as time allows. Then over your heart, my...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, love, marriage,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Paradox
God allows us to be born so we can die He allows us to be sick so He can heal us He allows us to be weak so He can make us strong He allows us to be poor so He can...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, blessing, christian, conflict, god,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Dream of Feudalism
Florid gold funds greed's frivolity Sedated mandate of sodden monotiny ...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, desire, dream, farm, feelings,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Depression Allows None of That
My wailing has turned to keening I cannot stop; I am despondent. Fully reversed in my feelings. My confidence has disappeared. I cannot do this! I scream Only it is shrieking. My house is silent, except for my screams of despair. No...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, depression,
Form: Free verse
Once Radiance Allows Light
M-orn A-nd R-ays N-icely E-rase L-onely M-ist O-nce R-adiance A-llows L-ight Topic: Birthday of Marnel A. Moral (November 18) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Once Beacon Allows Light
J-ust A-bate Y-our D-ark E-vening E-xpecting E-arly S-un's C-oolness O-nce B-eacon A-llows L-ight Topic: Birthday of Jaydee M. Escobal (October 29) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Once Time Allows Light
R-adiance O-f D-awn O-bliterates L-onely F-og O-f T-wilight O-nce T-ime A-llows L-ight Topic: Birthday of Rodolfo Total (September 29) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Father God Allows The---Wedding
FATHER GOD ALLOWS THE---Wedding Majestically I serenade your view of loveliness; Visions of dreams of the path of your view; Sweetens as the corn in the fields; Flowers come to you for their fragrances; I love for the longing of...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, appreciation, blessing, i love
Form: Free verse
Allows Our Souls To Shine With Such Glee
Why do some people show their emotional side When a loved one dies It's a time when family and friends have to try To except that only God gets to decide why More often then not rational people get...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, anger, bereavement, bible, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Restlessness Allows No Inner Peace
His buddies called him Brant, he was the strongest man made of solid muscles and he seemed mighty; he became a fugitive after he raped two women and robbed to get money for his coke and whiskey. One...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, abuse, addiction, corruption, death,
Form: Rhyme
Faith Allows Idiocy To Thrive
IT is truly the SCOURGE of Humankind! Copyright 2016 Robert William Gruhn A.R.R....Read the rest...
Categories: allows, analogy, history,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Hell-Hound Allows No Souls Out
Hell-Hound Allows No Souls Out Deep in the darkest pit, where anguished screams resound Evil thoughts feed the it, fanged , demonlike hell-hound No mercy for those so lost, only torture to pay the cost Gnawing on its victims with relish, the monster...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, conflict, dark, death, evil,
Form: Rhyme
God Allows---Our Time ---
Treasures of the heart within... Midst of love.. Mystical... moon light God's Blessings from above As I gaze up in the heavens Sparkling Stars shining.. so bright Let's not waist another moment come let's share our Treasures of life Senses of Sweetness of...Read the rest...
Categories: allows, inspirational, love, time, moon,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry