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Alaihi Poems - Poems about Alaihi

Alaihi Poems - Examples of all types of poems about alaihi to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for alaihi.

Why I Love God's Prophet Muhammad Part 2
...==>Part Two of "Why I Love God's Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam)" As a friend – he was accommodating – Full of cheer, he brought smiles to people's faces – Respectful to the old,......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, islamic, religion, religious, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Why I Love God's Prophet Muhammad
...Love and Follow Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) If you ask me, why do I love him, the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be upon him) - I love him because he cared about us Muslims, and lovin......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, islamic, judgement, life, religion,
Form: Rhyme

We Are Muslims Yes We Love Jesus
...I am a Muslim: yes, I love Jesus – For Jesus was a Prophet of Allah. Jesus was a Muslim, so was Moses – With David – their religion was Islam. Allah – the Only God – The God of all – Allah sen......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, beauty, faith, god, heaven,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

23 Lines of Poetry About Me
...My name is “Maryam”, the name of the Prophet Jesus’ mother. Alhamdulillah I’m a wife of a medical doctor. I was born in Saudi Arabia in nineteen eighty six. The language I use, since birth, e’en with......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, faith, family, religious, teenage,
Form: Rhyme
Why I Love God's Prophet Muhammad
...Why I love the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) If you ask me, why do I love him, the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be upon him) - I love him because he cared about us Muslims, and lovi......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, education, faith, teen, thank
Form: Rhyme

Prophet Noah In Holy Quran Part 1
...Prophets are the messengers of Allah who came from time to time to guide mankind to the way of Allah, the path of righteousness. Amongst the many who came as guides and warners to the people, Prophet......Read the rest...
Categories: alaihi, dedication, faith, religion, god,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things