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Absorb Poems - Poems about Absorb

Absorb Poems - Examples of all types of poems about absorb to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for absorb.

Absorb Time
Absorb season, in exact time, Some trees absorb water and food About six weeks later, all deciduous fruit trees Show their cute flowers, clear spring Then, later on fruits declare summer time From micro thing to macro thing, we all grow....Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, seasons, water,
Form: Prose
Let me sit and absorb the
Let me sit and absorb the light coming from the universe Let me inhale the possibilities it brings with itself Let the rays touch my skin Let every atom of my heart grin Let me sit and...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, creation, deep, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Falling In Love
Falling in love Is not a simple affair Romance carries the spark That shines in your heart Love carries the light That brightens up your grief Jealousy carries the fire That burns your rationality Lovely the spark Eagerly you pursue Cheerful...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, emotions, feelings, jealousy, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

FREE We are in a place, others only dream of being. We have all we need around us. Enjoy. Absorb the sights, the sounds, the smells. Feel the breeze through the palms. Hear the waves along the shore. Distance sounds...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, adventure, environment, happy,
Form: Free verse
F-lu's E-pidemic L-ink I-mplements C-ontagion I-n T-hreat's Y-ucky B-acteria A-sl R-abid C-ontamination's E-eriness L-ets L-ife A-bsorb N-asty O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Felicity Barcellano (June 17) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Absorb Happiness and Reject Saddness
"love the one who loves 'U'; ignore the one who ignores 'U'; spread the happiness around 'U'; leave the sadness behind 'U'; keep a smile always on 'U'; follow your heart to find a right way...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, cool, courage, encouraging, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ready To Absorb
As a pool with its glassy eye to the sky I am ready to absorb… the shadow of a passing hawk scattering flocks of leaves and what escapes in the speckled residue… I click- capture the moment; search through the filmy branches for yesterday's nests and tomorrow's dead...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, allegory, bird, garden, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Absorb Clear Pure Seasons
In exact time in exact day, Some trees absorb water and food About twenty six days later all deciduous fruit trees Show their cute flowers, clear spring Well naturally done fruits declare the clear summer From micro thing to macro...Read the rest...
Categories: absorb, adventure, seasons, wisdom, ,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things