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Abnormality Poems - Poems about Abnormality

Abnormality Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abnormality to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abnormality.

Premium Member nursing home abnormality
Juvenility meets senility Childlike to childish formality Nursing home abnormality Inmates extend hospitality I run as if they have a malady...Read the rest...
Categories: abnormality, age,
Form: Rhyme
And Life the Abnormality
So low insides gravitate to earth So unhappy at pretending to be happy so sad that i am sad for myself Darkness oozes in my path Blackened sky with black sun The night rays darken the dark Shadows dying in the shadows Stealing love Like its a...Read the rest...
Categories: abnormality, poetry,
Form: Free verse

I came to the drooping scent of wine, touched beard and mustache, was blind in the nearest shining of the sun, earthworm dug earth under feet, I felt the coolness and heard sing of quean, thought learned...Read the rest...
Categories: abnormality, addiction,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Being Normal Is Abnormality
Being normal is not normal But being abnormal is normal take a baby and study it take a grown up and study him in their natural setting it is natural they are abnormal; in artificial they are normal do you understand this? not...Read the rest...
Categories: abnormality, confusion, humanity, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Abnormality
Abnormality God knows I don’t want to be normal I want to stick out in a crowd You have everyone look at me And have them ask, “what in the hell is that” I never want to wear a suit...Read the rest...
Categories: abnormality, life, nonsense, surreal,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things