12th Grade Poems - Examples of all types of 12th grade poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for 12th grade.
Was I Wrong?I chose myself over her...
Was i wrong?
I wanted it to end, altogether...
Was i wrong?
There comes a sense of impending doom, sooner or later,
For the better, we turned lovers to haters...
Was i wrong?
'Was i wrong?' is...
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12th grade, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Ephemeral HeartacheHow far must I go for love?
How much of myself must I erase
before I am worthy of staying?
I love you more than I love myself.
Is that enough? No.
I'll be better.
Skinnier, prettier, quieter,
a reflection of what...
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12th grade, black african
Form: Free verse
The Enemy WithinThe unseen ache,
the hollow feeling of being unseen.
To loathe each fragment of yourself,
a puzzle with no hands to mend it.
Like shattered glass filled to the brim,
spilling, cracking, never whole.
Distraction is a bandage too thin,
but the...
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12th grade, black african
Form: Free verse
The Hymn of a Forgotten SoulThey do not see me,
only numbers,
a mind wrapped in accolades,
a vessel of knowledge,
but never a soul.
What I do beyond the classroom
is dust in the wind,
unnoticed, unworthy,
a shadow cast by my own intellect.
My mind,
a magnet for...
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12th grade, black african
Form: Free verse
The Power's VenomMany sat on the thrones with gilded lies,
Most of them spoke of honor, sure they wore disguise.
And fed us rot in a clenched fists, they took the seat!
Yet power bowed at greed’s own...
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11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Behold, He is coming quicklyLo, for Behold He is coming quickly;
Faster than a New York's minute,
It is in the twinkling of an eye; that
Jesus Christ will return to rescue
His children; right in the middle
Of the cloudy sky. Both the...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
She Was in Charge of Everyone She should be ashamed, he should be ashamed, they should be ashamed
Nasari grew up hearing these daily chastises from her mother
She knew that she also should be ashamed
And yet she did not know the why...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Rats Probably Love it Down ThereRats probably live in Joe’s man cave
I never clean it; I am not a slave
I bet they have parties after midnight
Scooping up all his debris, which is out of sight.
Under his recliners are crackers and...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
A Love Surrendered To HimLord, You see my heart.
You know it better than I do.
You know the prayers I can't even put into words,
The longings I don't fully understand,
The love I feel but don't know where to...
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12th grade, america, beautiful,
Form: Romanticism
In the great Old Grove forests
Perry, Sayva, Diamond, and Jack
Went out and built this tree house
A fine little tree house
It had a ladder, it had a few windows
It had a little garden they built
The garden...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
A view from a high place
On a pink cloud
Smoking a watermelon cigar
Fields of skateboard wood and rainbow flowers
Children digging blue holes in purple sand
Skeletons carving bone into dust
Sun like a sweetened lemon
Sky like orange wax melting on a sheet of...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Response to Loan RequestHave you looked at the purple house down by the bay?
It is the one with green shutters, a shabby gray.
A terrific value, says that realtor, Mrs. Dray.
She would know and she always has her say.
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Pouring loveLife was gentle, there was beauty everywhere, in every moment,
Yet my heart was unfulfilled.
In a world of vast contrasts between good and bad,
I pondered on the notion of love.
My beloved, where are you? I often...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Pouring loveLife was gentle, there was beauty everywhere, in every moment,
Yet my heart was unfulfilled.
In a world of vast contrasts between good and bad,
I pondered on the notion of love.
My beloved, where are you? I often...
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12th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Specific Types of 12Th Grade Poems
Definition | What is 12Th Grade in Poetry?
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