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What would happen if Kamala Harris became our American president in 2024 Q and A

Q: What would happen if Kamala Harris became our first female president? A: All of those illegal aliens that are being deported would be allowed to re-enter the USA. And be allowed to vote in our elections and become citizens. Q: What would happen to our police forces? A: She is very anti-law enforcement and would eliminate their services. Q: What about our churches and our synagogues? A: She would most likely do much more than close them down, she will destroy them, and arrest worshipers and put us all behind bars for keeps. Until the rapture of the church which would set us free from her. Q: Would she shut down our Christian websites, blogs and pod-casters and all religious services both on conventional and social media? Q: Would she rig the 2024 elections like Biden did in 2020? A: Yes she would and probably even take away our voting rights. She would do away with our free elections and have a one-party Democratic Party government and destroy any person daring to oppose her! Just like Red China and Russia! Q: Would she make all of our children wards of the state and promote the rainbow and alphabet Mafia's God-less agenda's? A: She will arrest all of her oppositions.and finish transforming us into a Marxist Communist state and cause all of us to worship the state as God! She will imprison and destroy all of her opponents. She will take away custody of our children also and finish brain washing them and maybe even have them kill their parents etc. Q: Would she let the law of the land become Sharia law? A: I would not put that past her! Q: Will her victory only become temporary and finish paving the way for the Anti-Christ and False prophet? A: Yes she will even be working for them. She will finish doing away with our national sovereignty and finish Biden's destruction of our boarders. Her victory will be temporarily disrupted by the rapture of the church, aka the great disappearance and the great catching away! Q: America is experiencing a spiritual revival will she attempt to stop it? A: Yes but the church thrives the most under persecution which is one lesson Satan and she will never learn! He has blinded her eyes! Q: Can she and her minions become saved? A: Yes they can but will they? Only Jesus knows if they will or not! Victory in Jesus Christ Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country Septeber 07, 2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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