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To My Dentist!

In all my seriousness, I feel the need for a little light relief..................... What makes a person want to drill and poke in peoples' mouths? To inflict pain and suffering then say 'just swill around'? To see the fear in peoples'eyes, to watch with glee as chlidren cry as they wave their baby teeth 'goodbye', must give them such a thrill. That one sided conversation (they know you can't talk back: they've packed you full of cotton wool) -'Oh no! Your abcess tracked!' Your molar teeth are all decayed (that must have been the fudge you made), Your canine has a cavity (that must be all the herbal tea)' as she waves her prodding tools with glee... No matter how much Lignocaine they use to try and numb the pain, the sound of all that whirring drilling, the taste, the smell, the noise, the chair, is not exactly thrilling. Yet, if we're good, we must go back to visit twice a year. We sit with fingers crossed unseen as we're scaled and polished, scraped and cleaned... We hope the dentist soon will say, 'there's nothing much to do today. Sign this form, be on your way - oh, by the way, do you have to pay?'... PAY! For all this sweat and grief as I mourn the loss of my wisdom teeth? Amalgamate my cavities and swish with flouride water Around my gold caps and my crowns! Yes, the dentist can be such a pleasure: a memory you will always treasure; a joy that will be hard to measure as you remember with a sigh, that if you'd only ventured to choose a set of dentures, you could've been spared financial drain and never visited again the dentist with her whining drill who seems to EXTRACT such a thrill from misery and pain! see you in six months ..........

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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