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Some Hippies, a Convict, and Mickey Mouse

Straight out of prison Wondering what I've been missing Right out of the gates I stuck out my thumb A van load of hippies All from Mississippi Stoped and asked, hey dude...what's going on I'm here for adventure Well hop in then Mister Adventure is what we're all about Now where we're all going There's no way of knowing A van of hippies and parolee freshly let out We ended up in Disney Me and all of the hippies Where we had caboodles of fun We met Mickey and he saw it When I lifted his wallet Now we're in the Magic Kingdom all on the run We split in different directions To throw off detection It's A Small World is where I made my mistake With that song stuck in my head It's a fate worse than death Prison now sounds like a wonderful place We rendezvoused in The Pirate's Of The Caribbean Where soon after, in came the law We all jumped from our boats Splashing around in the moat And had ourselves a good old fashioned pirate brawl We soon made our escape Out of exit door 88 Finding ourselves in Frontier Land at night Where in the middle of the street Were Mickey, Donald, and Goofy All with guns strapped to their sides We ran into a shop And bought guns on the spot All with Mickey's money...he's a mouse of a man Mickey squeeks we're going to ruff you up As Goofy holds up the cuffs And Donald says something we can't understand We had a shoot out With cap guns no doubt After all Disney runs a safe place Ran out of caps in our guns Which stopped our lives on the run The wrath of Mickey we all now would face After justice's hammer I'm now back in the slammer This time I made my own prison bed Now I cry every day What more can I say With It's A Small World still stuck in my head

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/25/2018 9:42:00 AM
Lol, thanks for the chuckle Mike…I could never understand Donald either….and that Its a Small World After All song would drive one up a wall after awhile!~Che :)
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Date: 3/24/2018 8:47:00 AM
Your writing always offers us so many things to think about Mike. Well done with this entertaining poem :)
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Date: 3/24/2018 8:39:00 AM
What a lovely whimsical adventure, Mike. A wonderful read. LOL
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