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Sleep Baby Sleep.(Silly Verse)

Arf arf arf and arf Little doggie says Little doggie says arf and arf arf Quack quack and quack Little ducky says Little ducky says Quack and Quack Quack. Tum Tum dee dum Tum dee dee dum Tum dee dee dum dee dum Tum Tum Pip Pip and pip Dipity Dipity Dip Dipity Dipity Dipity Pip andPip Pip Ta da dum dee dee Ta da dum dee Ta da dum dee dee dee ta dum. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzz !!! I USED THIS CONCOCTED RHYTHM TO PUT MY ONE-YEAR-OLD GRANDAUGHTER TO SLEEP AND IT ACTUALLY WORKED. IN THE MEANTIME, I GOT A WORK OUT BECAUSE I WAS MOVING AT A FAST JIG THROUGH THE GARDEN. HA!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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