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Psychology of Political Economics

Shalom, Aloha, Namaste Identity is rooted in socioeconomic health of mutual trust, beginning in utero swimming about in embryonic nutrition, rather than active distrust or more passive mistrust of the relatively unknown yet somehow paranoic alien, Other. The psychological fuel for polypathic political trust is capacity for empathy, which grows bicamerally within mutually subsidiary economies of co-empathic positive intent, co-arising nonduality in more ecstatic peaks of good beatific as beautifully edgy humor. Empathy is a teachable, because learnable, listening and noticing skill, stretching to include those aliens of self and other doubt, occasionally even abusive terrorists within. Mature co-empathic bicameral skills are what we might call healthy mindfulness, ecoconsciousness of Self as holonically syncing with Other, intent toward mutual integrity, trust, love, regard, esteemed equivalence, emerging from comprehension of our Original Intent as regenerative cycling Earth's SpaceTime fertile paradise of Positive Deviance Psychology, Political ChoiceMaking for Positive Nutrients, Economically Cooperative WinWin TransActions, deviant from vacuous dissonance and chaos, random WinLose irrationality, endless notnot polynomials of double-binding ambivalence. Zero-centric mindfulness training is not only the stuff of sit at home, chant and drum meditation training and sensory experience of nutritional sounds and tastes and sights and smells with concomitant affective feelings of resonant trust, dissonant mistrust, assonant distrust, hate, fear, anger trusting things might be better if I can just cathartically, purgatively force myself and others to calm back down from active distrust to at least more passive mistrust about our continuing future lives together in more peaceful silence of mutual breathing, in as out. While shared centering space and sounds can be useful especially as household units, and prior to important political and economic discernment events processes systemic networks of positive transitional evolutionary intent, stretching mindfulness through each active loving moment of each day and night is optimally sustained only in a safe-risk environment of political and economic cooperative nurturance, where power competitions are normatively agreed to remain subservient to greater cooperative nurturing, Both-And powers of consensual discernment to discover together highest and best political ecotherapy and economic health optimization outcomes. We are best within our democratically-inclusive empathic wheelhouse, rather than the mutual immune fears of unknown mysterious and unfortunate threats and other competitive LeftBrain too-reductive dominance in defining extended families of synergetic confluence, requires (0)-centric disciplines of mindfulness but these are more accurately embraced as Tao-disciplines on behalf of Love as Nature's KindTrust Expansion, rather than suboptimizing political/economic goals of Anger and Fear Management and self repression of the static/stuck Panic-Terrorist within to feel better managing damage control, safety and security, defensive mutual time out preferences, restraint procedures and economic investment boundary policies to contain our LoseLose worst hunting and ungathering fears. The Haudenosaunee definition of grace, gratitude, thanksgiving, "the words that come before all else" under ideal compost incubating circumstances of mutual-mentoring creative Both-And political and economic cooperative discernment might bilaterally nuance, grace evolves the words that come before as after all else, as above, so below; as Exterior Landscaped so Interior Landscaped. The belief that anthrocentrism is fundamental to wise political and economic regenerative planning for future generations, is the Original Sin of fundamentalist self-idolatry. Our capacities for healthy mutual co-empathic trust development far exceed such a limited and limiting sense of our own personal, familial, and EarthTribal identity, history of cooperative enculturation and intelligence. Radical Revolutionary Earth (0)-Soul Centrism is bicameral ecoconsciousness of polypathic highest as healthiest beautiful minds and words that come both before and after all else. Our co-empathic democratic multicultural trust in healthy cooperative futures begins this and each EarthLoving Eternal Day and Rich Composting Night, Aloha, Shalom. Namaste.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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