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Not Needing a Meeting, Daily 31

31. Some work day mornings just fill with sour time. The evenness of the florescent lights is annoying I see all the familiar faces hating every moment along with me. A department meeting, how horrifying. The common voices outlining choices--that have nothing to do with you Blacken and blue, I must stomach this painful gathering of shrews A pressured push in the brain To not let this poison my day I rely on pleasant memories to carry me away: The last cherished talk, the phone message from a friend. I really can’t wait for this meeting to end. Now my agitation has been noticed. I am not paying attention--thinking about folly and Ben. The expression on my face shows rejection Can she see my recollection of the last time we met? Crap now I am found out; she must be judging what my whole life is about. Turn toward her stare, show sincerity and care Easy now tiger-- and smile--give the moment awhile. Save face, my Japanese ancestors would say. I am disciplined, this is work--not time to play. Don’t let distraction make you her prey.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/7/2011 12:22:00 PM
I used to take a blank piece of paper after the meetings and say Oh! look! I wrote down everything that was important and hand my colleague the blank paper. A corporate meeting is the one place idiots can assert their intelligence. Vince
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Date: 6/10/2011 5:10:00 AM
Wishing you a wonderful day and weekend too. I enjoyed reading your poetry this morning Autumn. I hope your weekend is filled with love and joy and you find your soul filled with inspiration. Love, Carol
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