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"Cause Eddie tried to fly, mama And then he broke his arm. That's the reason why, mama, A scream gave you alarm." Said mama, "A catastrophe!" "Too late," she whispered back, "'Round three o'clock did Eddie jump. Oh, an' then he went stone black." Poor Eddie, trying to fly, Here's a lesson for us certainly; Eddie shouldn't try to fly Or he'll cause a c.a.t.a.s.t.r.o.p.h.e

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 5/26/2009 7:56:00 AM
Welcome to PoetrySoup Amber. I am hoping to read many more poems written by you. Love, Carol
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Date: 5/24/2009 2:38:00 PM
Wow! Outstanding poetry! Please keep sharing! - jeremia
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Date: 5/23/2009 3:40:00 AM
Amber, The poetic form that you used here, at least in the top part where you spelled out catastrophe is called acrostic. You have written it well. When my son was 5, he had the catastrope of "Flying " off of a swing. A broken arm resulted. So, besides enjoying your skillful use of this poetic form, you have hit a personal note. Your talent shows. Keep writing, God bless you and Welcome to Poetry Soup. Always, Dane
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