An Ode To Mother Earth!!!
Life on earth began with a mass of dust,
Embedding itself in the earth’s most fragile crust;
Life of ever-growing trees all began with a leaf or a little grass,
Followed by the appearance of our age old brass;
Then the earth gave way to the slimiest things called ‘animals’,
And from there came the most wonderful species called mammals…
One, two and three, it began,
Now it seems like more than hundred years of life span;
Oh! My graceful mother earth!
When everything began you were brown,
When it seemed to last a little longer, you turned yellow,
Years went by and you chose to be green,
With a little blue all over seen;
Every soul was behind your beauty,
All humans chose the path of creativity;
From Shakespeare to Wordsworth to Carroll to Lee,
Everyone wrote to you, what they could see;
Now you are, what I can count,
With your streets and traffics and roads and lanes,
With cars and autos and trucks and cranes;
With dust and leaves and stones and wood,
All that I can write and surely I could;
I know I am just a part of your crust,
But it seems like everything is going back to the dust;
From blue to green to yellow and brown,
When I think, it just makes me frown;
But probably you are just getting old,
Realizing the truth, oh it makes me feel cold;
So just tell me you’ll remain what you are at least now,
Only to let me live and to show the world how to love;
I am sure to tell,if they really knew, what love was,
You wouldn’t have been what you are alas!!
Copyright © Sudharshini Vijay | Year Posted 2010
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