Alligator Sashay, Unabridged
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5/30/2024 for Fair and Square Humorous Patter Sayings Poetry Contest
Circle left, hang on tight
Don't get caught in an alligator bite
Allemande left, what you want to do
Is turn that alligator into stew
Do-si-do, listen to the band
Alligator shoes look mighty grand
Roll away to a half sashay
If you're a gator, forget what I say
Right and left grand, give a kick,
Gator eyes fall on a dancing chick
Swing your partner, run, don't stop
Toss him in the water, with eyes on top
Ladies in, men sashay
Ditch that guy without delay
Pass through, separate and go home
Say bye to the bald gator with the crazy comb
Copyright © David Crandall | Year Posted 2024
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