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Instant Gratification - Lyrics by Victims Family

Instant gratification, just add water.
Instant gratification, bring it to boil.I want it now, all of it, every last single solitary bit.
Instant gratification isn't quick enough.----------------------------------------------------mind you
After inventing the fire and the wheel, mankind neede somethingelse to steal. Fire and wheel fused together as one, come on peoplelets go have some fun. The sun won't shine 'cause the sky turnedgray, and nothing seems to grow in the acid rain, the river's gonedead bit I couldn't care less, 'cause the spoiled little boy won'tclean up his mess. Millions of years went by covered by shiftingsands, dinosaurs decomposed, dinosaurs lay there froze, in theearth that they once ruled, the turned into fossil fuel, consumedby the fossil fools, I'm starting to learn about nature's rules. Are weto believe the remains we'll leave will become fossil fuel for somenew fossil fools?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry