Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

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The Warlord Wars No More -4
We've been taught the terror of triumph from where the heart looks... General Caesar Sir, 9th Recon reports that Pompeius Magnus has fled by sea to Egypt, also, the body of Captain Crastinus has been laid on the cremation blocks... Centurian Ignis Acies I saw how you led the fourth line psycho equipped, I'm going to award you the lion Phalerae after the funeral rites, Victory lives on the spirit of soldiers like you, thank you... Crastinus volunteered to go into the war flames a war that demanded the best of the soldier true, he and I talked before the onslaught opened and Centurian Crastinus spoke like a man who's life was eagerly aimed at a target of death redened and I heard in his voice, and saw in his eyes, the passion of a man certain, asking nothing in return than for loving recognition of his awesome sacrifice, invoking Devotio Votum, gaining favor of the infernal spirits with a zealous face... Invoking Devotio Votum, gaining favor of the infernal spirits with a zealous face... Do you find me to be mysterious... You are a Princess of the Pyramids and a slave to political penance... How dare you, you're just a pawn of Roman power chess, a twisted pimp of pain, how many men, women and children have perished for your reign... Step back babe, the better question is how many will be saved, you had no qualms about killing your family to be a Queen... It is my destiny to rule!, how many will be enslaved... Throwing vases won't change the truth, we can't all inherit thrones... Oh!, well we can't all prance around with an army buying one with blood either!... Don't you think I know how blood stained my soul is!, I'm followed by the death moans... I'm sorry Julius, let me love you, let me give you a son, together we can make the world better, let me be your woman tonight, the moon is right... From this fight we can make love our greatest might... From this fight we can make love our greatest might... I've never seen the Forum in such a frenzy... Perhaps they're anticipating the injury of inflation's weight, I'm deploying the Legions to Parthia next week, total war strategy, I tell you Brutus, I'm going to strip the money lenders of their monopoly... A money enemy is a mean and long enemy Caesar... Brutus, last night I had a dream that spoke to me very eerily, I was standing at the steps of the Senate building with one or two people near they were speaking to me yet I could not see them, then the tall bronze doors began to open slowly, hauntingly, there was no one at the doors and it was dark inside, I felt as though a powerful phantom was exerting enormous force, inviting me into a waiting assembly... What were the people around you saying before... The warlord wakes no more... The truth of Life's desire sings in the fire for it is in our mortality that we love creative liberty, heros and helmsmen crushed under Time's heavy crest, pay heed to those deeds from whence the heart must confess make no mistake, relentless justice will find your face, the chase churning bravado to bloodshed and hearts into hell Invincibility seems to rely on guts, not on numbers, fighting for a life that was balanced on a wire in the epicenter of an unprecedented epic we consume euphoria, so we cross this threshold of war as awful friends in freefall, bring a heartbeat of holiness back to these halls and hills where peace has been absent, we've been taught the terror of triumph from where the heart looks invoking Devotio Votum, gaining favor of the infernal spirits with a zealous face, from this fight we can make love our greatest might the warlord wakes no more, clemency is a quality that I never understood... J.A.B. This Heroic Crown Sonnet is dedicated to Gaius Julius Caesar whom lived from 100 B.C. TO 44 B.C. His life, leadership and genius are simply awe inspiring, and even though assassinated by those he showed great grace and clemency to, in that tragic moment Julius Caesar was victorious over his adversaries because of his outstanding virtue and his attackers lack thereof. I began composing this work on December 30th, 2017... through the grace of Providence I completed this masterpiece on February 9th, 2018, at 2:59am. That's 42 days, and approximately 130 hours of intellectual labor. As with the other two Heroic Crown Sonnets that I've composed, The Whips Of History, and, The Skeletons And Songs Of Samsara, I did not write the 15th sonnet first...Justin A. Bordner
Copyright © 2025 Justin Bordner. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry