Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Our Environment Today
I was taught by my father to be obedient in the dense forest to save the individuals trees, stop destruction to plantation. I cannot be silent under the detriment from lumberjacks to global emissions; I cannot sleep in the night, because I am employed to deter exportation of trees to chickens labs. Zero is nothing, but I see the money you are waging wars for is written in zeros My chest is congests with carbon monoxide, I monopolize to defeat the bunch of exploiters, I expose them to exposition. I prefer to die with dignity than to live with dictator by the dictionary, dictions are sweet, but they cannot boil eggs. Stop cutting the trees from terrace to the crest to Red Cross; I eliminate elements to elucidate through the data. I cannot stop imagining and exonerate exodus to the red sea, bring me hope with oath middle October. She doesn’t need fire to fry cakes by the equator; the sun is enough for her sauce pan to boil billions hertz in seconds. Stop blinding yourself expose those deny you pure Oxygen; I cannot focus my entire life watching TV to realize you are destroying the environment to global warming as inevitable. Look the earth giving musky smell from the oil leak Gulf of Mexico to environmental degradation to Dakota pipeline to war zones. You fail to learn to lead liquidity to economic boom and to stop bombs drops and draconian laws. Self-egotism on the rise, civilization on the fall beast of burden to bondage the voyage teaches you to take responsibilities for the things you done. Stop to ply garbage by the routes, I cannot stop to fight with pen and paper to save the Amazon forest; I prefer to rescue you than to lay you to rest. Pious people pioneer our thinking to streams so that when the dams run dry still fry fishes by the sea, the smiling ray is sufficient to wake me up in the morning with happy face. Stop forcing relationship to wrestling, the snow drop punches on the faces of lumberjacks, I contend to condone the conundrum classical mistakes. There are too much of earthquakes, from the squad to the volcano eruption to volatile and vodka drink, I lost appetite to capture by the time I approach the rapture to erect optimism. My factory is my dearest entity that entitles me to think not like the monkey, I cannot ignore the forest it is the source of my livelihood to rendezvous. I farm by the river to listen to the music from it, I shelter myself under the canopy to plant fruits to get definition of love and I irrigate the land to protect ecology to ecstasy. I excommunicate cult to cultural calendar to clap for clandestine magical to philanthropist promises, I officiate protocol to pronounce protection for my environment. I cannot afford to drink liters of water to clinch thirst into intoxication; I used to see lions in the jungle defending the forest now they are forced out without a single trace. Sahel in fire the hunger is on the rise, famine from Somalia to South Sudan, kids are denied the opportunity to fill their bellies to billions of food shortages. Sudan to sadness, you ceded from paradise to civil war, the jungle bears nothing than disappointments. Warlords loaded their barrels guns to funnel difficulties, the oil you prospect proven to poverty and ultimate nightmare. NGOs engage to gauge the situation to situate hope from hot temperature to flash flooding. The problem bang to testimonial catastrophic save the surrounding before you are surround by your actions. Climate changes on the rise, bush fire from Australia to Chile and down to Africa, as the expectation more disastrous to ecological detriment to catastrophically phenomenon. It is too dangerous because of heavy demand for fuel especially in Africa to holocaust health situation to air pollution.
Copyright © 2025 Mohamed Manzur Bah. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry