Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required PSYCHOTIC JOURNEY by JOHN M. ARRIBAS Feeling really beat, I went to bed early last night Suddenly awakened feeling something’s not right There was total darkness, I was not in my room Lying on a cold flooring, with a feeling of doom Hearing moans and murmurs the sounds of pain Someone close was whimpering, was I going insane I tried to move, but was pinned by a body abreast Trapped, no matter my efforts, a fruitless wrest Girded in by bodies, some dying, guess most dead I struggled to get free grabbing someone’s head I kept sliding , floor covered in gore n human waste Slimy, putrid, total abomination, humanity abase Hearing men talking, I yelled help, come, I’m in here A large gate swung open saw two men in the clear Carrying large spiked clubs all covered in blood One said, I hate this work sloshing thru all this crud A man among the sprawled, tried painfully to rise Teetering, helpless , blinded, missing both eyes Choking on blood, with whispered gasps of pain Then clubbed in the head, splattering his brain The men removed a few bodies, releasing me Hiding among the dead will not get you free You’ve got a trial to attend for causing grief Inciting rebellion, acts of a mind stealing thief I hear yelling and cheering, is it a baseball game? I enter a stadium, frenzied folks shouting my name As I enter, the jeering and booing turns into a roar My knees buckled, I’m frightened like never before Guard said, you’ve been found guilty, so cop a plea Wait your turn, judge may find a iota of clemency Psychotic journey (2) Crowd roars as my name is announced, over the pa You’ve eluded justice, no longer, today is our day Judge scowls, sentencing to follow, it’s usual course You are pronounced guilty, beg, plead, show remorse You show remorse, only because you’ve been caught Pay for your crimes, painful lesson, now will be taught You are fortunate this day, you can choose how to pay For those dastardly crimes, you’re found guilty this day The mobs scream numbers , one ,two, three, four, five Select the one of these numbers to complete your demise The stands erupt , yelling and screaming number three Judge states that’s final, you’ve selected number three Before sentence is carried out, lets look at the four The ones you did not select but chose to ignore One is a winner, its called a day at the cookout grill It’s a hollow bull made of iron in which you will fill Fire would be started below and continuously fed Til the bull takes on a glow between yellow and red Number two, providing the results we like to reach It has all the wonderment, called a day at the beach Ever heard of the eating habits of the coconut crab Quite carnivorous, you lie on the beach tied to a slab This sentence is not popular, its so difficult to hear Noisy crabs jaws, main dish cries and the mobs cheer Number four is my favorite, for sadists all the rage It features bees and you, its called a day in the cage Had an aviary specially built with imports from brazil Called killer bees, seeing them perform, an eerie thrill You of course, would be the starring attraction Cacophony of screams, as the bees spring into action Psychotic journey (3) Number five really leaves nothing up to chance It features fire ants, its called a day at the dance We imported these stingers from southeast asia More vicious, venomous, than those from arabia We built a glass enclosure housing two colonies Provided amplifiers to appreciate your harmonies You selected, number three, a favorite of mine Innovative, two penalties we were able to combine A garrote, sit in a backless chair in front of a pole Slow methodical strangulation is the final goal Collar on the post around your neck is placed Then slowly tightened til all life is erased We had added a new graphic feature, surely a plus We have a musket loading cannon, a blunderbuss Strategically located in front the garrote chair Synchronized to fire, emitting a thunderous glare Loaded with nuts, bolts, screws shards of glass Collar tightened, cannon fires, a tremendous blast Judge said: there is a number six, I forgot to mention It calls for a fine and a library card suspension I’m placed in the chair the strap around my neck Loading the cannon, will I be dead, no need to check The collar is tightening, its getting hard to breath The workers are scattering, rushing to leave Whole procedure is handled as a remote operation The cannon will fire to terminate the asphyxiation Need to lose consciousness fore the shrapnel impales I hear the lanyard moving I’m hoping it fails I heard it click, its primed, its just a matter of time Before I’m scattered and join the rest of the slime There’s a loud noise, a bright light, I hear a voice Why all the yelling, screaming, such terrible noise Breakfast is ready, how do you want your eggs?
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