Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required Let’s say the number 1 iconically speaks in Left-Yang Universal Language, root of ecosystemetrics, while PlaceHolder (0) bicamerally dreams in Right-YinDiPolar ReGenerative PolyCultural Action, health-flow of autonomic, enthymematic thought and awareness influenced by feelings of EarthCentric BiCameral Consciousness as Plan A, so number 1 is actually each Ego’s Plan B holon of (0), DNA/RNA root systemic to fractal-dialectic square root nature-spirit nondual function. Yes, OK, you just said that, all of that, not for the (0) or first time, and…? I am listening for resonant resolving echoes across all multisystemic, polymorphic, polycultural, polypathic, polynomial, polydigms of full-hued reconnecting physical health and spiritual wealth trends of cooperative redistribution of co-invested hearts, applied to climate therapy outcome analysis for Great Transitional Network planning, for both Interior Yin Landscape harmonic rhythms and Exterior Yang political and economic rhymes as ecological Left+Right Prime (0) InterReLigious Balance of YangCrown/YinRoot chakra bicameral TaoTime. Oh, so you’re a Taoist now that you’re a ghost. Yes, but continuing my work in physical/metaphysical design and poli-economic cooperative development, especially now that you have access to Game and Group Bi-Elliptological Zeroism. Speaking in run-on syllable strings doesn’t mean these are words with any shared meaning for us mere mortals. Yes, and making up words and labels for things based on what we seem to both see and hear killing us softly with vulnerably transparent resonance also doesn’t necessarily mean these are not words with potential deep EarthPassion meaning. Why do you sound like you have merged with Lewis Carroll? Anyway, how is your message going so far? Any hot prospects for going viral? Or have you been cast in the role of Horton hearing Whos not available to the rest of us kangaroos? Anthros are already quite viral enough, speaking collectively, no aspersions to those with too many Trump cards in toxic relationship to Earth’s future health, including all currently wavering systems of air and water purification healthy circulation, and contaminated, dehydrating, drained of health soil. Fire appears to be not only progenitor of human hell but also our destiny for future sun-parched generations, those who don’t drown that is, or die of ballistic hate sprayed too freely by rabid monotheistically unhealthy dualistic desecrated minds v secularized sin-bodies, raging dualdark anger and fear hypocrisy of degenerate fragile AnthroSupremacist Identities, seeding despair about interwoven Yang/Yin integrity reviving healthier globally wealthier religioning hope. Can you give some examples of what you might mean by reconnected with active hope? Yes. Thank you. Cooperative ownership and governance structures have proven to retain resilience, health-survival values and mindbody maintenance norms, especially when cooperative vocations are part of a more polytheistic political and economic cooperative network with radically democratic polycultural health regenerative intent. Active hope chooses to not wait for Interior mindbody balance perfection of therapeutic potential before committing to a proactive extended EarthTribe healthy mind/body reviving orthopraxis. Active hope does not wait until Exterior Landscapes are more cooperative-ownership and co-invested governance friendly to search for ways to daily and monthly and yearly grow and re-ligiously sustain wealthier mind-spirit Interior Landscapes. Endo and ecto symbiosis work best creolizing together, unitarian both-and bodhisattva co-redeemers exploring dialectical trinitarian tipping points with either-or universal EarthTribe salvationists. Oops, I think we just heard from your religioning metaphysical universal and physical unitarian special case panentheistic historic background. Yes, the systematic parallels between Universal enlightenment as LeftBrain verbose Yang, balancing Unitarian-integral bilateral empowerment equi-flow of Tao's health revival bihemispheric evolution is a very old metaphysical spirit v physical nature horse. So inter-religiously resonant, distinctions of word song remain more important for universal anthrosupremacist monotheists than for any EarthLove tribal merit of irreligious secularizing segregation. Yet universal Earth-salvific Capitalized wellness resonance above the neck and unitarian resilient tones below the swellness neck are quite disparate polytheistic ecofeminist his/her-stories. Yet why is it not at least as significant to explore how these two halves overlap, share an ego/ecosystemic therapeutic map, having evolved analogous Yang/Yin balancing dynamics and compassionate communication functions within their respective Western and Eastern bi-hemispheric mind-thought/body-felt neurosystemic re-ligion of liberating enlightenment above EarthTribe's crowning neck and conserving empowerment health-rooted panentheistic below? To this day I feel UU vocation toward my/our active-hope Truth speaks through my Left mind as Taoism speaks through my Right body, co-mentoring our shared bicameral panentheism, Earth as antro's universal Other (0), as monotheistic Plan A and ego-self (1), as unitarian Plan B core panentheistic peak experience of becoming and sustaining healthy/wealthy WeMe AnthroMind/EarthBody reviving regenerativity. You do realize you have merged with Julian Jaynes as well? Yes, Julian and Martin with his Beloved Community compassionate communionation events, and Thomas Kuhn always cautioning us about incommensurable monoculturing specialized LeftBrain verbal dominant knowledge across the arc of polyculturing trans-paradigmatic time. Thanks so much to all of your Earth ghost guild re-vision today, next time would you mind knocking before entering? I did knock, when I left no unpublished thought. I see your -(-0)=+1 PolyNomial CoBinary Tipping Point.
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