Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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The Lay of the Best Man - Part 5
The Lay of The Best Man - Part Five Have you heard about the bespectacled man who wore his glasses to bed? Because when he awoke mornings his dreams were all blurry in his head. And what about the obese man who wanted to lose weight the easy way? Know what he said? ‘I’ll increase my carnal pleasures with the wife instead, and … kill Two Stones with one ‘Bird’’. Foolish men. You sprint where Angels fear to tread and tell the Devil to go to Hell Still, were it not for you, this world would be devoid of heroes; that much I can tell. Please bear with me while I expose your moroseness and clarify your moronity. Why a pained death aged 100, thanks to science, rather than one at 80 with dignity? Have you ever thought that always being prepared is the best practise to perfection? Is it not better to strive for something beneficial, even if in vain, than to take no action? Do you really think that microbes cannot control your behaviour? It’s all about survival. And how does anyone know that microbes are not averse to smell or sound? Fiction or factual? The proportion of water covering the Earth is the same as within the human body. But tell me: How many find this not to be the strangest unlikely parody? Also, how come the natural colours of the Earth are the same colours as man’s eyes? All creatures, great and small, mourn their dead, so why can’t trees? No matter the size. If a tree can make sound and move, breathe as you breathe, and grow like you grow, Why then should it not see like you see, think like you think, and know as you know? Oh yes, the ‘convenient’ Christian; please ask him to quote the Fifth Commandment. watch him squirm as he feebly pleads the Fifth Amendment. Many fail to 'Beware the Ides of March', deferring instead to Medicine and the Holistic When in truth they should be referring to His Rod and Staff: The Holy Stick. Your Scientists talk about Gravity and viscosity, sparks and quarks, and the Quantum feat. But let’s be clear there’s another force, a human force; ….pray!! …..never the twain shall meet!!! I reaffirm my avowedness to defend both the woman and the child. Not only this, but also to defend the destruction of creatures of the wild. In an ideal world the man would take the lead for an exemplary life and be beyond reproach Instead his despicable ways is far from impeccable and he is not much better than the cockroach. He swats the fly and and butchers the whale, ….and he must kill that Killer Bee. But strange as it seems, he courts the ‘crims’, recidivists, …and leaves the killers be!?!? Remember this: one has no choice in their gender, colour, or sexual orientation. So please stop your hating, constant assaults, malice, and casual discrimination. I am what I am by virtue of Life’s choice and mysteries unknown. Just as you are what you are - by what Nature’s seeds have sown. Be witness: If I have hurt no man, woman or child; not a tree nor creature free; I leave them be, Why then should you hate me? …when you should be hating yourself for hating and mocking me! The earth re-heals it’s good heath with fire, brimstone and seeping magma. The Man repels all good health, many are covered in filth - a sapping stigma. Like a growing infestation of fungus and mould, their flesh obliterates Earth’s surface Much worse than this: this festering eye-sore sore I see has even contaminated outer space! I do see ‘ups’, but saw more ‘downs’; like a see-saw ..repeating; man seldom learns from history Understand this: every single life, no matter how brief, has it’s own story. so give it due glory! Remember Mr Good Character who, oblivious, crushed Aunty Ant, the bug? Well, one day as he strolled, oblivious, he got assaulted by Mr Nasty, the thug. Now, just like the bug he realises this world is filled with unprecedented dangers And has learned that he has no rights when dealing with unpredictable strangers “Now you see me, now you don’t …Karma, karma, karma”, cried the Chameleon “Welcome to my world. “Welcome to a world where men live in oblivion!” A man is not what he’s meant to be because he just exists, rather than live. A man will not think as he ought to because he’d rather contend and not believe. A man does not do that which he’s meant to do because his heart rules his head. A man cannot act as he should because of his selfishness, greed, manners of dread. Men can easily pretend - or even be naturally good Still others, though genuine, are so often misunderstood. But I’d claim that - (though it will your spirit dampen)… ‘A good man is simply a bad one waiting to happen’ So here is a truth - the truest TRUTH you’ve ever heard That most men are BAD…so ALWAYS be on your guard! p.s. …oh yes, …and some women too!
Copyright © 2025 Robert Amure. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry