Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Layout: - Create a card from your words, quote, or poetry
Please, save me!! Solitude is speaking, oh so lonely... We have plenty of gain In our pockets, overflowing with light You are like an airplane, Landing safely from a fantastic flight My beating heart can't take this anymore The moment you slammed the front door Keep me tucked in the files of your mind or I'll cry I'll keep you in my memories until the day I die The time ticking a reminder of the passing away of today As you run away from it all and you never quit standing tall I know you graduated High School all the way...I know you passed all your classes yesterday, But you must pass the test of surviving this winter's fall Follow me in the Grove of Somewhere Only You and I Know Weep no more, waterfall of wiped-away wishes...know that I care for you, even in the darkest hours of woe Nevertheless, you're a mess this time - stop your shouting doubting The hour glass is running wild...running wild... Yes, you are running out of time, so save your breath and pouting The hour glass is an unbroken orphan child... Mentally pictures make me feel sick in the stomach Yet, a feel-good sickness that leaves me to ache pleasurably; I must be building a mental six-pack Hourglass collides from your grasp Hourglass shatters...once bulletproof to the touch Hourglass makes you a worry-bug and you let out a ghastly, raspy gasp... Did you forget me once upon a time? Time? Am I not your happily ever after? Did I do something wrong, my love so sublime? Was I just a distracting disaster? Have I to fall and you to stand your ground? I'm without a sound I swore in my living soul that you are my sky-ground...gravity-bound The past is a lesson to learn one of these tattered and torn on the floor for many days The future is a blazing fire that devoured your uncanny ways Caving in my snowed-under desire for you...ignite me, I'm an empty matchbox Craving your phase of craze and your lazy, crazy nature, a grumpy bear and a funky fox I'm lazy's the norm You're too picky, you like me lukewarm Let me wriggle my way towards you like an merry mirthworm You are like that last pickle in the jar you can't catch are as cold as my gloomy dorm Nevertheless, you're a mess this time - stop your shouting doubting The hour glass is running wild...running wild... Yes, you are running out of time, so save your breath and pouting The hour glass is an unbroken orphan child... Mentally pictures make me feel sick in the stomach Yet, a feel-good sickness that leaves me to ache pleasurably; I must be building a mental six-pack Hourglass collides from your grasp Hourglass shatters...once bulletproof to the touch Hourglass makes you a worry-bug and you let out a ghastly, raspy gasp... Yearning for your shelter I am a desert, I thirst and swelter Come back to me, water angel...I am dry with disdain Depart not from me, my pouring sun...bathing in your rain... I waste away...a day without you is like a year of loneliness I pace back and forth in my road of less-than-your progress Wow wow ooooh Wow mmm hmmmm Huh huh Ah, ah Ashamed of losing you What do you mean when you leave my side? Oh, oh going undercover too Underestimated, but upgraded by your touch of love that's been pushed aside... Show me how to move To your joyous groove I pledge allegiance to your adoration I honor you with unwavering elevation Ahhhh ahh ohhhh Do tell me...why you left me in the dust? Do tell did I hold on to you, even when you almost lost my trust? You're a flaw so perfect You are like an insect, Crawling on my skin Where have you been? Nevertheless, you're a mess this time - stop your shouting doubting The hour glass is running wild...running wild... Yes, you are running out of time, so save your breath and pouting The hour glass is an unbroken orphan child... Mentally pictures make me feel sick in the stomach Yet, a feel-good sickness that leaves me to ache pleasurably; I must be building a mental six-pack Hourglass collides from your grasp Hourglass shatters...once bulletproof to the touch Hourglass makes you a worry-bug and you let out a ghastly, raspy gasp... Spectacular Spiders weave their webs of wretched, warped-up masterpiece I hear you, intense with your speech I see you, tensed up and that's not what I want you to be like, so please give me peace You were my shiny shore at the beach, now you're a seagull beyond my reach Dancing around the fire of my passion Room for Shames Surrounded by your gaze, your lips telling me the sweetest of names Eye Luv U I think you do too...don't deny it, for it's true believe it or're HOTT Eye unluv U When you do the things you do that make me rooted to the spot...I'm NaUgHt My beating heart can't take this anymore The moment your hour glass broke in two, I can't cope with my moping It didn't mend my heartache deep in my chest which so happens to be sore I wait for your approval; in return, I get let down by my condition of high hoping The time bomb is about to blow out of proportion Your words are like bullets, heading my direction aimlessly Time is time to make it up to me - too bad, so sad...get over it and there'll be next time possibly You aborted my love for you with your Hatred portion Don' Solitude is my only friend lately...
Copyright © 2025 J.W. Earnings. All Rights Reserved

Book: Reflection on the Important Things