Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required Today we hear Positive Psychology is hot. To not agree is to be both negative, and a snot; too cognitively dissonant arrogant and dino-snore-a-lot. When your loved one tells you, for the thousandth time, "You never listen to me" you have been invited to a challenge of double-binding negativity. You will not find it helpful to respond that you often listen, quietly disagree, and proceed along with positive intended responsibility. Your family bond will not grow ripe with healthy wealth by responding "I hear, listen, consider your dissonant perspective, and find it unpersuasive that I should change to join your inferior insanity." How much simpler all these positive 'ologies, logic and its logos mythic roots, would be, if Einstein's Theory of Relativity had been called something more sacredly operatic, like "PolyTheistic PrimeRelationality." How many deep meaning roots would feed Positive Psychology if we could understand Positive functions of Cognitive Dissonance? if we could find Full-Live MetaSystems surrounding Half-eviL Reverse-Temporal-DecaySystems, learn contention knocking on contentment's door of awareness, learn longing's silent scream for belonging bicamerally balanced. We wealth-listen with our Negative Self v other dissonating Deductive Left, but we health-hear with our Positive self/Other resonating Inductive Right. Sacred 0-soul sanity begins where secularized 1-sum insanity leaves off. Rational minds work to retain analogical confluence, bi-reiteratively multisystemic Co-Relational Balance. Dr. Jaynes' bicameral balance meets Mr. Bucky's polypathic Universal Intelligence, Synergetics translated into positive prime relational Me/We mind/body cooperative integration. Co-arising coherency of Left/Right verbal/nonverbal thought/felt self-consciousness embraces cognitive/affective dissonance for wiser Positive political purposes, while cognitive/affective Right-brain confluence conjoins Positive Psychology with Positive Deviance Theory to sum our squares and Fullerian cube roots and forming systems, equals: NonZero-Sum ecological Win-Win therapeutic EarthMother/FatherSun empowering/enlightening harmony reproducing economic equivalent gift-it-forward life cycles of Positive nurturing healthy wealth panentheistic consciousness. Political EcoTherapy expresses Positive Psychology's mutual mentoring praxis of Permacultural NeuroSystemic Design, eagerly anticipating Climax Beloved Community optimization, sustainable for at least Seven Generations of EarthTribe's life. ReGenerating revolutionary recycling systems articulating Universal Salvation Intelligence of prime-relational bicameral polytheistic wisdom temporally unfolding fractal-harmonic octaves of full-spectrum 4/4 languaged syntax. Nature, including humane nature, character, intelligence, regenerative curiosity, in/ex-formation, evolves positive DNA, Elder RNA-rooted, polynomial codex as Prime Dialectical-Fractal four perennial prime relational seasons of Alpha-Omega TippingPoint health and safety neurosystemic reasons. Elder Right temporal brain function reaches back to RNA's static/synaptic chronic/critical ecological paradigm of co-empathic consciousness, deep coincidental learning, co-arising ecological paradigms of sacred Earth's intelligent love, stimulus-response as before-after dynamic positively induced win/win therapeutic development, Me/We cooperative values, binomial dipolar resolving norms, mental health as embodied wealth, synergetic integrity of thermodynamic balance, permacultured design and resolution of growth and development cycles and recycles evolving Beloved Community out of cognitively dissonant "still-not-Win/Win colistening", Communities and Guilds in Win/Lose leftbrain verbally dominant process. All this wealth of information hiding inside the Emperor's outside-in-visible deductive clothes, turning inside-out and upside-down toward co-balancing integrity, deferred mutually subordinate dominance, of Left-Yang's deductive power conjoining Right-DoubleNegative Yin's inductive flow, co-arising Positive/Negative confluent/double-dissonant super-syntaxed Theories of Positive Political CoRelationship. "Yes dear, I am listening both to you and to my self, still learning how we can both win sustaining love's reiterative game of positively cooperative redundantly spiraling poli-culturing healthy life."
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