Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Light On the Devil's Chord - the Challenge
My hair bristled in the crisp breeze Excitement spreading throughout my body Even the sudden cold amused my fingertips, Tingles spreading through my hands and up my arms Soon I would be there too. . . In the murky shadows of mysterious malice To see the claws and talons of humanity’s greatest foe The Prince of Darkness—the Saint of Woe The great seal remained closed as I stood before it Not a peep was heard from inside “Knock, and it will be opened to you . . . “ Lightly, my fist clunked three times upon the great seal, And a horrendous echo resounded like muffled shrieks of suffering Black ooze leaked out of the seal as I lifted my fist A great closed pot of tender meat and chow boiling over, The spicy hot substance steaming the long grass surrounding the well-like prison Then a voice, like Queen Bee birth resounded, Stinging me fiercely, body and soul, having me sway… To a familiar song I had listened to long ago: “Iiiii… ain’t got no-booooooody…. And no-body cares…foooor meeee…” The song continued as the seal opened fully, As I began descending into the restless night of his voice Both lulled and perturbed The sumptuous layers of shrieks, his background band Gurgles of thundering bass, And strums of laughter from throats long wailing… “Aaaaaaaand.. I’m sad and loooooooonely… Won’t some-body…come takah chance with meeee.. Owhhh…?” In what seemed like an eternal moment, I had landed in the very bottom of the boiling ooze The music ceased, and the great seal slipped over, Blocking the view of the stars. . . Yes, above. . .now only darkness As if heaven, to Satan, was hell. . . He turned to me slowly, knowingly A smile creeping on his filthy face, from ear to ear A charming set of teeth, freshly sung mouth Arrogant brow rising in mock surprise. . . A gruff laugh escaped his lips as my heart beat faster And I thought to myself, “What have I gotten myself into?” . . . The words popped out of my mouth before my mind could object, And he exploded in a fit of charming guffaws I heard a sea of laughter follow his own Even Death, in the far corner of prison, winked. . .amused “That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years, Dearest Daughter of Eve. . . I’m impressed . . . really, I am. . .” “You are?” His smile faded and his expression grew grim and cold “Well . . . are you?” I remained silent, and took a deep breath What shall I say to the Devil himself? Am I clever enough? Brave enough? “Impressed, I mean. . .well? Are you? I know you will not lie to me, You wouldn’t dream of it. . . You wouldn’t dream nasty dreams like times in your past days. . . Or. . .would you. . .Daughter of Eve. Would you dare. . .dream of me. . .” I felt a claw hit me on the back of my neck I remained still, my breathing cradled by the silence. . . I moved closer to him, never blinking, As his coal eyes burned deeply into mine Suddenly, he was furious “You dare give me silence, woman!? After my years of devastating . . . tormenting my own, Just to see and hear them screech and tremble. . . Of no aim but to crush this criminal quiet, You…a woman of no power…or little to show, Come down to me, ME. . .whom you know hates you all. . . You come down to me, The Almighty Devil of Hatred, With your dull . . . infuriating . . . pathetic, disgusting. . . Silence……?” I sighed. . . “I. . .I don’t know why I am here. . .with you. . .perhaps it is a test. . .a lesson. . . But I do know what I want. . .” His claw dug deeper into my skin. . . “Oh, that’s a new one. . . But you. . .hm, hard to play with. . .? I doubt it. Easy to trick. . .surely. . . If there was a point. . .” Deeper the claw dug into my skin, but my flesh refused to break I smiled at him softly, and this seemed to disturb him completely He looked at me numbly, an impassive stare Devoid of feeling and emotion And I said to him, “I want you to sing and play us a song you have never sung before, Prince of Darkness. . .” His grimy skin rippled at the opportune challenge. . . His eyes drew out all confidence and pride swirling in the shadows His smile, big again, fresh, and repugnant He smelled of all things dead, and all things putrid “Plug in the bass, Death. I am going to dissolve this fluttery woman right where she stands.” I stopped him, possessed with an idea I bit my lip and removed his claw from my neck Taking his hand for a moment, and pushing it to him “One more thing, Devil.” He rolled his eyes. “Of course. . .what is it?” “. . .I’m singing with you.” The demons roared in hilarity, as Death, Silent as always kept his composure Satan tilted his head at me as the laughter died He no longer contained his surprise “You. . .want to. . .make music. . .with me?” “I’ve got 40 days and 40 nights. . .don’t you be a killjoy.” He smiled at me, fury and lust in his eyes “Angel charms will not work down here, babe. . . I rarely play fair. . . .but I never turn down a challenge.” My strange purpose had surfaced at last “Quit your stalling then, and turn up the music.” -------------------------- Song reference: “I Have Nobody” specifically sung by Leon Redbone **Please tell me what you thing guys! If you haven’t read the other parts, it might explain things a bit. This is going to be a major work, and I’d loved all the advice I can get. I am aware that collaborating with The Devil is a tricky feat, and I’d really love some input. Thanks for reading. Lots of love! –Oh, and also, I am thinking of changing the title of the work as well. Not sure what yet!
Copyright © 2025 Laura Breidenthal. All Rights Reserved

Book: Reflection on the Important Things