Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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You spoke of Love in the kingdom to come Where the works of hatred would be undone you bid your disciples to follow whats true to demonstrate its power in the actions they do But I have seen injustice In the congregations of God they have castigated children with verbal tirades they did flog committed vicious slander and the innocent threw away refused to hear their lack of justice and those who tell the truth they slay But these actions are not hidden from our King God has given throne those of us who’ve seen it our thoughts to him have shown His retribution will not linger with his army he arrives expose he will oppressors those who cover deceit with lies They profess to be disciples of the Christ and Father Jah but the errors of injustice have trespassed the Love that’s law Into the sanctuary I have sent this word that like prayers of incense their cries and tears be heard At the house of God there’s punishment until true mercy we can learn willing to investigate the truth and its advocates not spurn You have practiced Law and Judgment the child of God you did not see you interpreted the scriptures and pronounced his children unworthy I have trouble understanding those who lift your eulogy so easily destroy their kin blame not themselves as ungodly Its always someone else’s fault not the things you did or say you couldn’t possibly be the reason that from the “truth” they walked away When you stand before the throne of God will they judge your actions clean all the thoughts that you committed will prove you kind or mean I can only say to you I saw your justice taken away my own afflictions and slander paralyzed my voice that day Even now to late in time their judgments I do fear they’ve spent their time convincing me my perception is not clear But I have spent my time considering the instructions in your word their placement in my heart and mind and my pen has proved I’ve heard to those youths I’m still connected you’ve remained in mind and heart I’ve considered what you experienced and I know it’s origins start Not all of us who worship truth will condemn your walk away those who expose their heartlessness before the throne will pay I only hope you remember those of us who cherished you If I could manipulate nature none these things would you go through I want you to remember that’s whats broken and with flaw have difficulty executing the perfection of cosmic law I hope to see you in the future when you’ve considered my digress what you’ve experienced in life is very difficult to digest The things that connect us are more than human skin together we are the children of the parents who gave us sin This is my apology for you whom I could not defend I was suffering my own afflictions which prevented my love to mend I have failed far to many and on others can lay no blame unlike the power that controls the cosmos my limitations physics name My complaints here I have spoken but the threads of them are true they are laid before the throne of justice and our God and Christ will see them through Choose to invest in excellence but these are traits that you must learn to humans they come not natural your inclinations they will confirm From your introduction I have loved you and to my thoughts have given voice but your own road you must travel and free will is yours of choice Only one thing can fill whats hollow a majestic gift from Christ and God that we “learn” to love each other correct the inherited things and flawed Self justification (self rightousness) is a peculiar trait among mankind ….and is significantly emboldened when applying law and tradition and distinctly visible among those who “practice” religion , instead of “following the truth” like a detective …….outside appearances can be so deceiving, whats hidden and out of visions range the guilty are not just catholic and protestant those who abuse the truth have always sat right among Gods own chosen people …. Luke 17:1-4 COPYRIGHT © 2011 C. Michael Miller via Duboff Law Group LLC
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things