Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Thinking of the Devil
I am outside without me I am…using my third eye and I smile, sugar-coating a truth with a plastic, messy lie I don’t know the day you crashed, but you are going through so much in your life I am a thief in the night that stole the opportunity to open up inspiration in my mind I was autistic and I knew people’s names… Thinking of the devil I’m cheerful and I wanna be what I wanna be Thinking of the angel Because His angels are watching over me 24/7 Don’t worry – my head is up above the clouds – a Cloud infinity, Devin Passer-by…I was a passer-by, waving hi and goodbye But I never thought I impacted many people in my life I’m stronger than I realize I’m not alone And I’m not a failure The black auras will fade I want the colors I see to never fade I shared happiness with you… Moments between us – is a dream within a dream…out of the blue… Plenty of happiness touches me in heart But the madness won’t touch me and it was meant to be from the start This demon will not scare me… Thinking of the devil Okay…I want to remember you in a dream world…somewhere in my head, you are there, but I don’t know how to see your true colors – that mystery love of mine, which will never come to pass…the infatuations come and go, but will I ever find someone I truly adoor? I open the corridors of my head Doors will open Doors will close Sometimes, I write poetry And then, what do you know – prose Don’t dye my heart a different shade Don’t die in my heart…I’m homemade and I moved up a grade I am fearless I am not hopeless Thinking of the devil But, I remember His ten commandments, but will this demon get angry at me… I must keep my mouth shut… This demon is haunting my mind…I can tell, but I can’t sleep… I’m locked up too deep Is my time up? I-I oh no…I won’t give up All alone I’m a broken bone No solution… Pollution… Of my mind drives me insane Destroyed by demons Constructed by angels Voices, not my own, came to mind today… I’m not soaking up in dismay…I prayed…I prayed…that I won’t get laid – wait? What? But, I prayed…I prayed…that sin won’t be laid upon my heart…hate and love mix together…but, my race proves that I’m a “mutt”…I have no idea what that means, but WHATever…floats your demented boat Thinking…of…the…angel? Devil? Ahhh… alright… I know you’re T R U E C O L U R R Z Haunting…taunting… Voices…no room to rejoice…I’m just talking… No one is listening, but I can’t go on living the way I lived I came to the conclusion that I won’t look back, But look forward and heal my soul, oh Lord of Accord… I’m “half a life without you”…Amy Lee – I feel you too Change… It’s time to rearrange Light… I denied it with my might But not this time… Say farewell…wow, how sublime That made me feel good… My heart was broken…but He delivered me… When will you take that too heart, Amy? You’re a beautiful person and singer…do you hear me? No, it’s because you probably aren’t reading this But, those are only nonsensical judgements…sorrow hold never felt so good…in the abstract abyss I looked good…but I look tired now… I need God’s FOOD……………………………….life is like viewing a show… Okay, I’m a visual learner – d-d-don’t judge me…I am not fattened up like a corn-fed cow But, I’m a grass-eating-which-means-eating-of-His-truth cow… SOmEHow, God has predicted a future for me I am in the flight of success and I’m without a fright, you see? God – hear me…I’m at your front door, knocking… But, yet she mocked me…how I feel offended when people think it’s okay to start to mock…but, I’m rocking With the music on the radio… I am not a drama king, but I would make a good show I am at home with me
Copyright © 2025 J.W. Earnings. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry