Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

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Canto Xvii Hell Translation
“Here the fierce with the thin pointed tail, Who passes mountains and breaks arms and walls! Here who with stench can the world assail!” So my duke started to talk with his calls; And hinted then it to get the bank close, Nearby to end of marbles and of falls. And then that filthy image which fraud sows Came close, and just arrived with head and chest But on the shore its tail it did not pose. Its face was of the honest man at best, So much benignant had its outer skin, And of a snake was all its body next; Two hairy gills it had to armpits twin; Its spine and chest as well as ribs both too With knots and wheels had like painted had been. Vivid colors much overlapping do Neither Tartars nor Turks drapes never made No such canvas ever Arachne drew. Likewise sometimes barges nearby shore stayed In part in water and in part on ground, And likewise there within the Germans strayed The beaver prepares its war and to hound, So the bad and evil fierce remained there On stony rim of sandy soil around. Its tail was flickering in void to scare, Up twisting its fork poisonous indeed Which armed tip like a scorpion unfair. My duke told: “To modify now we need Our pathway until we finally reach That evil fierce which there lies, careful heed”. For this we down got toward the right beach, Ten steps we did then on the limit rim, The flames and too the hot sand to breach. And when at end we arrived close to him A little farther I see just on sand People sitting near the site with no vim. Here the master “Now you have at hand The truth about this circle in full just”, He told , “go and their fate then understand. Your reasoning way down there short be must, Meanwhile you come back, I will speak with this, So he will offer us his limbs robust” So again up to the top of abyss In that seventh circle now alone I went, where sad people sitting exists. Through their eyes the internal pain was shown; Here, there defended themselves with hands Now to steam, and now to hot soil of stone: Not different are dogs in summer stands Now with mug or with paw, when are bitten Or by fleas or by flies or horseflies bands. After I put on some my eyes smitten, On whom the painful fire to fall saw, No one I knew; but I saw as written A pocket hanging from the neks to draw With blazons and colors and well clear sign, Of which they looked to be proud with no awe. And as looking at them I joined their line, In yellow bag I saw a sky-blue tint Which of lion had face and clear design. Then going to follow of sight the hint, I saw another which was as blood red With a goose that whiter exist didn’t. And one who of a light blue sow well fed Had his white bag clearly painted just so, Told me: “How did you come in this ditch shed? Now you can leave; and since you alive go, Learn that my near Vitaliano still Will seat then here at my left below. These from Florence, I from Paduan mill; So many times my ears are stunned nearby From shouting: “Should come the sovereign will, Who will carry his bag with three necks by! Then he twisted his mouth and extracted His tongue, as ox which nose to lick may try. And since my stay could not be protracted To shun master's regret asking be fast I came back to souls badly impacted. I found my duke who already had passed Sitting onto the croup of the fierce beast, And told me: “Now be strong and bold not last. Now we have to descend such stairs so pieced; Come up ahead, at middle I must be So that for you the tail’s danger is least” Similar to one whose disgust is close to see The quartan fever, with nails just pale, And looks back trembling at high degree, So I became when heard the words assail; But I was ashamed by his threats to me. That a good lord makes right his servant fail. I found my place on that back hard to see; So I tried to tell, but no voice I had As I thought and desired: “Let embrace thee” But he, who times before to help was glad Maybe for other, when I was there sat With both his arms gripped and sustained me sad; And told: “Geryon, you should move now at; Be the circles wide, and the slope down short; You must be careful with such weight as that” Like a small ship leaves off its place in port Backwards and backwards, so started then it; And when he felt to be free to transport, Where the chest was, he put his tail to fit, And after stretching, it moved like an eel, And with gills, inflated air to admit. More fright I don’t believe would deal When Phaeton unrestrained became then, So that sky, as still seen, was burnt to seal; Nor had Icarus with his sorry loins when Losing feathers perceived for the wax hot, His father screaming to him “Bad way amen!”, The fright I had, when I saw where I got Everywhere in air, and turned off I saw Any scenery out of the fierce spot. It goes away swimming slow, with no flaw; Rotates, descends, but I am not aware Except for the wind which comes from yaw. I felt just on right hand the eddy mare Doing an indeed scaring roar below, So that with eyes my head to jut I dare. Then I became more bashful to that flow, Since I saw fires and heard tears of pain; And trembling all I snuggled in me so. Then saw, since view on I could not attain, Descent and turning those great pains around Which came close from various parts again. Like falcon whose wings long flied up from ground, Without sight lure or any bird at all Pushes the fa lconer to tell “Stop hound!”, Descends tired while it moved easy and tall, With hundred rounds, and then volplanes quite far From its trainer, with disdain and fierce gall; So Geryon put us on rocks which are At foot at foot of the profound barrow And, after discharged the persons of our, It sudden vanished like from bow the arrow.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things