Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Unexpected Events
My watch is broken, I can not wait for you to get here The sun is heating,(I cannot believe) today, we're finally meeting. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna act or what I'm gonna say But of one thing I'm sure, when you'll be in front of me, you'll take my breath away. While I'm waiting, my mind is flying away From the moment you'll get here, to the first move you'll make. I just wish, this day to be perfect I hope I'm ready for any unexpected events. It's getting late and you're nowhere to be found I'm getting all kinds of emotions, but is nothing I can do about.. The park is empty, looks like the rain is gonna arrive I guess I should be going too, nothing makes me stay around. Maybe you got stuck in traffic or you've just changed your mind, Either way, I better go now, maybe we'll get to meet some other time.. And now my battery is dying, I have such a lucky day, I don't think this day could get any better, >>no 'eff!n' way!!<< Where should I go now? to the hotel or to a pub? I'll get me something to drink before Imma call it a nite. I don't find my card key, guess I'm losing my mind.. Huh?! Who the 'eff' are you 'my friend'? Why do you have to honk so loud? you: Hey!!! me: Gosh, you scared me! you: Where are you going? don't we have a date? me: Hey, you're the one that got here late. you: Yeah, I'm sorry. look, I've been running all the way... me: Cool. I'm glad you came. I'm starving. where you gonna take me? you: well, since our picnic is ruined, thanks to the coming rain.. lemme take you to my favorite restaurant.. me: sounds great. OK. While in the car, you've turned on the radio And the silliest song was playing in the air Smiling, you looked at me and started dancing Gosh, you're amazing. (that's what I said) We've got to the restaurant It's getting pretty hot No sign of the rain now Guess she just changed her mind. When I stepped inside My favorite song was playing .. so loud And once you've heard it, you took my hand in yours and smiled you: Hey, this is our song since now!! Since then I got this feeling, this awesome feeling inside I'm with the right person and the nite has just begun You're full of surprises, beautiful and kind For me you are so special, I'll roll my dice tonight. Next thing I know, we were back in the car The music was playing loud, you were driving too far The last stop we've made, was at the hotel I'm staying You grabbed me in your arms and .. and then's when it started ... raining. The weather gets colder, your hand is on my shoulder, I ask you if you want to come and wait inside. The fireplace is on, your clothes are on the stove I bring you comfy clothes, while you're in the shower. The rain is falling from the sky, the night is deep, looks black and white I pour you a glass of wine while getting closer. The electricity goes off, all of a sudden We're in the dark, the music stops - I lit (up) a candle. Looks like the rain has stopped now (or for the moment) I pour you another glass of wine.. I touch your hand, you're grabbing mine And pull me closer. The last thing I remember, you were playing through my hair I felt your (warm) breath down on my neck and I've kissed your shoulder Slowly, you laid me down, on the floor, whispering something in my ear Your fingers were walking down my spine, I've closed my eyes.. that's when we've kissed. We've spent the night together, sleeping in each other arms I was your blanket, you were my pillow - the dawn was coming fast. I woke up and.. watching you sleeping You found me smiling when you've opened your eyes. Things went so fast - time was flying by Only four days, until we say goodbye. All the sand from the beach, the pictures framed in our minds The scrambled eggs in the mornings, (all those) kisses (stolen) through the night. While I'm counting the seconds, my mind is flying away From the moment we've met, to the last thing you'll say. I just wish, this day to last forever I hope our story will never have an end. In the airport, while waiting for our planes to come Our silly love song was playing one more time And once again, you took my hand in yours and smiled That's when you've asked me, if I want to be ... your wife.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things