Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Layout: - Create a card from your words, quote, or poetry
After my young wife died tragically, I decided to move away Memories we made in our house were painful; I couldn’t stay I’d often remember that phone call from her doctor who’d said "John, you need to get here quickly" but I knew she was dead. I moved to West Virginia to the town of Harpers Ferry It was where she was born but now lay in the cemetery. I managed to find a small bungalow at the towns edge It was a neat little bungalow surrounded by a tall hedge. My job in financial security meant I could work remotely I just couldn't face explaining to people, and it suited me I was on the phone to a customer when I heard a loud bang Then just a couple of minutes later my front doorbell rang. I had just finished the call and went to answer the front door Probably a door-to-door salesman and under my breath swore I opened the door and a young boy with a cap stood before me He had a mischievous grin and said "Hi, my names Jimmy". I said, "Hi there young Jimmy, and what can I do for you?" Then I remembered the bang I'd heard and I kind of knew He said "My ball went over your fence into your backyard I think I heard something break, maybe I’d hit it too hard”. "Come inside" I said "Let's go and take a look out the back" And there was his ball by a garden statue with a big crack He picked up his ball and said "My dad will replace it" "It's only a cheap statue" I replied, "I'm not bothered one bit". He left and that evening his dad came around to see me And said "Welcome to town, I heard that you met Jimmy" "I did" I said "It was only a statue and accidents happen It was a hideous looking thing, probably gone out of fashion". He shook my hand and then handed me a bottle of whiskey And added, "We're having the neighbour's round for a party You're welcome to come and join us and to see who's who" I said, "I've got a few calls to make first but yes thanks I will do". Every minute of every day I’d often think of my dear wife Grief was still with me but I needed to move on with my life I had a shower then went next door and there to welcome me Was the boy with the cap and mischievous grin, young Jimmy. He said “Dad's cooking a barbecue and there's lots of cold beer" I'm sorry about your statue and I'm glad that you're here Come and say hello to my older sister, Sue in the blue frock" I followed him over and what he said to her left me in shock.  "This is our new neighbour, and he wants to date you" he said She looked at me uncomfortable and her face went bright red Jimmy walked off and looked back saying "I'm only kidding Sue" I stood there feeling a bit awkward and was unsure what to do. I looked at Sue and said, “Is Jimmy the joker in your family?” We then both burst out laughing realising it was just funny But as time went on Jimmy would often call to see me I'd take him fishing in the creek and cycling in the country. Jimmy was always joking, and he was like the son I never had Unknown to him he was helping my grief and for that I was glad I'd go to baseball games with his dad Bill along with Jimmy as well But I noticed he wasn't his usual self-something was off I could tell. A couple of weeks later Jimmy’s mom Pam called to see me She said "Jimmy's in hospital and they're running tests to see They've found a tumour, but I don't know if they can operate Hopefully, they'll be able to do something before it's too late”. One night I went in to see him he waved when I walked in I couldn't help but notice how he was so gaunt and thin But Jimmy's cheeky sense of humour was on fine display He said "My friend fancies you" as a nurse came our way. He'd drift in and out of sleep and was on a drip with morphine And it was just so pitiful to see him, and he was only thirteen Over the coming weeks I'd take it in turns with his family Just sitting and holding the hand of our beloved Jimmy. A week later I had a call from his dad that filled me with dread "John, please come quickly" but in my heart I knew he was dead I dashed to the hospital and all his family were all sat by his side Just ten minutes before I'd got there young Jimmy had died. At his funeral I got up to speak there were things I wanted to say "When I was grieving Jimmy helped me to chase that grief away He was always a cheerful soul , and he lived his life to the full With mischievous young Jimmy around our lives were never dull". His family honoured me by asking to help to carry his coffin out Heaven had gained itself another angel and of that I’ve no doubt As we walked out they played Jimmy’s favourite song by Eva Cassidy ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ and I know that’s where he’ll be. Written on the 14th February 2025.
Copyright © 2025 Tom Cunningham. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry