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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required SHE IS NOT GONE- She's not gone, she is not gone She's in the arms Of our all ever conscious Father God she is not gone We rejoice her trip We suffer not hardship For she is and has gone back home absent from the body present before God Children look at yourselves Look at what Mother Chlorine, your Father's has done; each one blessed one you whom are Kings and Queens; Purposeful full created from love Each one soul filled with mother's love skin to skin, her's hair to hair her's Touch to touch a mother whom you loved so much It's not goodbye but see you later By the flesh is sad (you cry) it's hallelujah Why?? because she is gone to be with God maybe even sadden, maybe even mad you are) Grief hurts, it pains yet she remains, (hush) In the Father's stillness be at peace for she's at rest For the heavenly Father opened heavens doors Choose your earthen Mother and Father But our Father has His daughter now His daughter your mother whom was on loan to you Now she's in the upper rooms Dancing, singing, praising "triumphant" Daughter Mother Rodgers was sitting on the perch Liken an eagle spies Come home daughter, come nigh, fly God said come to fly She's not gone, she is not gone; she's in the arms of our all very conscious Father God She is not gone My sisters, my brother, family look to, look at God Look in your hearts Look at yourselves, your breathe, your smell you're well you be the blood you're the flesh Children look inside yourselves Look at what Mother Chlorine, your Father's have done; Each one blessed one you whom are Kings and Queens Purposed full created from love Eyes, vision, mouth, whispers Skin to skin her's hair to hair (her's) even those the grand and great grand children touch to touch a mother whom you love/loved so much it's not goodbye but see you later you are not gone, though the flesh is sad we all cry Hallelujah She is not gone children, just look inside 12/27/24 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr.2024 Interpretation of poem verse Beloved tribute to a beloved mother's legacy SHE IS NOT GONE Mama Chlorine Rodgers Expression of faith, love, and celebration, reassuring us that our loved ones who have passed on are not gone, but rather, they are now at peace in the arms of our ever-conscious Father God. She's not gone Eternal comfort connect"She is not gone. ..she's in the arms of our all ever-conscious Father God" Celebration of her legacy "look at what Mother Chlorine and your Father's has done" Ever on forward love and remembrance: "a mother whom you love so to skin, her hair to hair, hers touch to touch" - Faith and comfort: "it's not goodbye but see you later...Hallelujah" Inspiring interpretations Encourage readers to find comfort in their faith and the knowledge that their loved ones are at peace. Reminds us to celebrate the legacies of those who have passed on and to continue their traditions of love and kindness. Inspire us to look within ourselves and recognize the love, strength, and resilience that our mothers and fathers have instilled in us. Take time to celebrate the life and legacy of your beloved mother, Mother Chlorine. Find comfort in the knowledge joy that she is now at peace in the arms of our ever-conscious Father God. Continue her traditions of love, kindness, and strength, and pass them on to future generations. Scriptural reinforcement Psalm 23:4: "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me." Revelation 21:4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." John 14:2-3: "My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
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