Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Graveyard Whimsy
The years have passed quietly, Moments poured out in timeless winds, Falling from my spirit, shadows, Wistful, blurred images, photographs, Twisting, turning, trembling, Black and white, tinted presences Of those I know, those I’ve known, Some gone, some old, some broken by time, Broken by this life’s denial of what it is to try… Keep trying, just keep trying Reminding me, in the overflow of love, There have been moments, Soft blessings, silent metaphors, mirages, Mysteries in still life – real life, Passing by, quietly, shadows of a moment Before the timeless winds fade, So honest, so true, so tempting – fate Oh, dear, where has it brought you? I’ve lost my heart to the years, Before light left its color in the sands, Beneath the sea’s embrace, the whispers Soundless as limbs who breath through the night, Fearless, storm brewing in the skies… Shuddering, jolt of fire, lightening strikes… Remembering, the music of a heart, a spirit, Discovering, for the first time, The meaning of a moment who has passed on, Forever gone, always known, so quiet, Quick as the light, recollecting the pieces of a life, Faded, graying, yet forever alive… He laughed, sometimes without any particular reason, Laughed like his heart would burst with the humor… Of all that surrounded him, burnt pieces of raw Melancholy, threaded with stardust, Soundless and wistful, like the twilight, Who rises just beneath the sunset’s grief… Taking a phone call across the sea of time, Blessings remembered, blessings forgotten, Reflections of yesterday, still colored in grace, Tortured by the moments, lost beyond time and space, Life took this from me… His light never fades, his heart never races as quickly, As it once rushed from the gates with its sure footed victor, The one he knew would take him from loser to winner Not just a horse, but more of a spirit… oh, such a spirit…. Her gentle never felt more beautiful than it did when she left me, Without a promise to come back, to bring hope Second chances or aspirations, dreams who keep bringing Reasons, so many reasons to keep believing She never let me see her cry, her tears were mere stars Trickling from the Southern sky, like melodies Planted by feelings she knew would come true If she simply allowed the tears to sing her tune… I remember…. And the light softly speaks, falling In waves, in ways, waiting For just the right moment, just the right day To finally lift the veil of yesterday, Plant seeds of now – in soil swelled with overwhelming faith… Blessings, His light piercing the shadows, Rising through the soul, like a halo Who reveals what it means to know, even the angels Even the angels share in the hope… When the time comes, we’ll rise – like the sun, the moon, the life Who remembers, even the old photos, the memories, The gentle who scatters its seeds of grace, Even this… oh, yes, even this – will pass into the ever…. Eternity, together, with the One who silences the darkest shadows, Erases the fears, the tears, the years of hurting, So, in the forever, winds still blow, but without the chill… Feelings, still warm, from the love that lives, Oh, dear Jesus… I remember when – how long has it been? I remember… I remember… I remember… Again and again, broken – cracks revealing Light that is a sign, singing… My soul is healing, always kneeling, stilling The tiniest prayer, remembering… It is love that will not die – don’t ask me why It is love that decides, what it means when I sigh, Love is alive and love is my life – God is my light And, everlasting will decide the meaning… Breathing on the edges of a kindly remembrance, The feelings it brings, the whimsy, all I’m seeing… It is love that God sends, When the light shines in… Again and again, revealing… What has been, what will be… The music of praise, resting in the grace, Filling this place, where my heart can praise, Where my soul knows the way, Where I can surely say… Listen to the music, Its so soothing, so new… as it lingers in the oldest hope, The memory, graveyard whimsy, Revealing the meaning of His gentle, The worth of a memory that lives, Yet sheds its skin when the light lets in… The wonder of knowing, love begins again And again… always growing, always flowing, So my heart and soul, always glowing… Remembering, the love, Soundless and comforting, so I can see, Beyond the rivers, beyond the seas, across the mountains, To the never ending peace that tells me, Honestly, the music, The song… plays softly inside those who believe!
Copyright © 2025 Regina Mcintosh. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry