Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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MY Capt'n
TIS thine bottled tat's tasked whence be thine edge Be naught in wallows dew supine vogue cast Youth triumphed hour as a young promised fledge Barkeeper, be thoust days numbered--till asked All stand 'tis proper thine talents measure Skills they'd be lest your count talents pleasure The mark of pride gallant's ships, tally ho Unleashed to the wiles of thine girth proved pro A man sleeps its due dawn innocence stole Take him then to me' ship I'll pay then blow ~Virtue claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole. AVAST'S young flower me' ship findeth wedge Thoust mistreats a crewman likened outcast Such brazen sass dragged from the gutters retch Leash thy wits my First and quick to the mast Mateys yo ho First mind all ship's lever Shove off de' planks lego de' landlubber Weighed up ye anchor mateys pull then whoa Whilst the crewmen hold you, men, lock-n-stowe When the crow's nest clears, gentle me' that mole Here's my Capt'n, steer First harbors clear throw ~Virtue claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole. BE thine journey true and naught misallege For thence beholden my good eye stedfast Thy disciplined of thee bequeath your hedge Be it naught onerous blest thee biassed Ye hast a vicar's wit--nay, transgressor Farthing to me' backside--still, the wiser Barkeeper's share of thee, mid his shadow Tales proof like 'is gin, scriptures tat's ye know Keep 'em, coming mate liken drummers roll E'er thee, thy land, and thy sea deem shared show ~Virtue claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole. HAIL voyaged rendezvous lands of thy pledge Set virtue in the crew's heart pegs deep past First grew close to thee, pegs me cartilage Yet saved 'em ships crew knew, shark naught First last Thy silence roars a man, ... First successor Thus I'd be naught, thee be thine endeavor Yo ho my First matey, decks down below Tallyho me' mateys, Capt'n bestow Shivers me' timbers, all hearts are gambol Piped the strong brew and shove-off its tipped snow ~Virtue claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole. MY Capt'n, the breakwaters ... English sedge Give sight me' behold, thine eyes be all glassed Let me' ears see me' England, First--harks ledge Steer clear lanes weigh anchor for the unasked England fairs chamber of thy sound pressure Forgive my Capt'n, nay, BE ... naught whisper Let me' hear my Capt'n, let England flow Lift anchor my Capt'n sails air borrow Tilled England cast naught seven seas ship's goal My Capt'n First, the ship's complement ... WOE ~Virtue claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole. THERE'D be naught a model fairer weather SHIP sails cloaked high aloft valued treasure HOST e'er Capt'n, My Capt'n ... golden glow SAILED seven seas -- seventieth ... ago CAPT'N Earth berth surrendereth man's soul HEAVEN blest thine, true confessor, thoust go ~VIRTUE claim, A sovereign crown, and their Whole.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things