Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required All things that scrub the ground like an old musty couch I saw you there seated with my very abusive ex husband wearing my under garments wrapped around your head I wondered just what you were as red cloud rolled in over USF you plotted my mort seated with my abusive ex husband very abusive ex husband I wondered what you were driving a Tahoe truck pointing guns to children heads cackling with Rasta Andrew jackals the smell of mort as I sat writing children books fearing for my safety I contacted the Fbi the attorney general Simon and Seuster Houghton Millflin as author star park parked her car awaiting submission for Uncle Sams plantation searching for stories I noticed a ladder at my townhome window you fleeing in dirt Kswiss gym shoes glaring at me angrily in a dark blue Hyundai I must admit I wondered who you were I told my abusive ex husband to go be with you his new dark dirty couch he loved to sit on so much his brutal dark gargoyle jay Townsend Johnson Henry I heard your name chanted by poor broken children jumping double Dutch Shaina Alaina Teesa Toni Towanda auntie Jay breaking into homes taking identification fleeing to Canada Jamaica Australia snatching pages ripping them planning my death exposed to my writing exposing my being an FBI informant to Tampa dealers Jamaican Daley as I sat writing children books poetry writing in a mental health journal writing letters to the attorney general I wondered what you were the musty couch wearing my panties on your head seated with my very abusive ex husband planning to impersonate me clone me after mort this news travel all of the islands trench town Kingston Jamaica to the Virgin Islands we must save her from envy stalkers female cult her abusive husband a David Koresh a Mort plot for a young mother of 8 a beautiful grandmother to be killed over her identity her passport her American poetry afterwards her abusive ex husband will flee with jay Townsend Johnson Henry one of the maids sleeping on a musty couch behind the wood factory a female cult selling drugs for Rasta Andrew shooting children the day that day Reggie White arrived at the mall from green bay on a Coach bus my killers chanted kill her she’s an informant snitch ratting y’all all out there it was Toni wearing red dreadlocks dirty kswiss gym shoes the 9MM pointed at my door island men emerged killing my killer jay Townsend Johnson Henry my abusive ex husband fled to Texaco gas station my Daley plot was interrupted as I kneeled children cried pages of my poetry ripped jay Townsend Johnson Henry all things that scrub the ground like a musty couch looks brand new an yet the stench of blood sweat breath stains of murder wearing my underwear on your head your mother wearing red dreadlocks scream kill her kill the informant as I await the FBI my Daley carried out 5 kings emerged like Israelites by Gods grace killing my killer Babylon in view mount Zion a whisper nobody hurts momma nobody in that moment i didn’t care who you were I donated my abusive ex husband to your cause of redemption the redemption to Daley a confidential human source on the island in order to impersonate me take my identity extort my American poetry to wear my panties wrapped around your head perched on that musty couch all things that scrub the ground abuse of power corruption skankiness plotting my murder with slander falsehood in order to impersonate my identity obsessed with my American poetry enough to mort me for years I lived in fear awaited my death so many killers convicted as a result of my wearing wires for the Fbi never in my wildest dream writing a mental health journal about my fears my suffering wearing wires pregnant all things that scrub the ground jay Townsend Johnson Henry climbed in my townhome window decided to take my mental health journal to star Parker thee author to publish in her new book Uncle Sam plantation my heart raced knowing I would be exposed and killed all things that scrub the ground working in the court house mark Obers office there she was falsifying witness statements my killer exposing informants to killers plotted my mort the musty couch seated with my abusive ex husband wearing my underwear wrapped around her head twisted African voodoo roots of Spanish town Jamaica falsifying documents cases falsehood false arrest false convictions murder behind bars as killers resume the lives of the innocence I pleaded with FBI dire need to stop these dealers the corruption abuse of power sheer identity theft attempts to impersonate me extort my American poetry and expose my mental health journal to killers on the streets and behind bars I survived my own murder all things that scrub the ground returned 20 years later the anniversary of my home invasion data breaches identity fraud bullying intimidation threatening my new husband disable war hero Jamaican jay Townsend Johnson Henry wearing my underwear wrapped around your head seated with my very abusive ex husband the musty couch plotting to clone me after death the stench of the musty couch snot sweat breath stains of murder being swept under a braising blood soaked carpet dragged upon the ground to be dumped in the swamp behind the wood shop with the musty couch I saw you there again I wondered what you are wearing my underwear wrapped around your head all things that scrub the ground the plotting of spilled blood of a FBI confidential human source bullied stalked intimidated abuse of power falsified hell on earth sheer corruption all things that scrubs the ground jay Townsend Johnson Henry the musty couch the filthy carpet seated with my abusive ex husband wearing my underwear wrapped around your head Jamaica witch craft controlling corruption what is obstruction what is excessive force brutality planned what is Mort evil taunting her prey with falsified hell all things that scrub the ground GOD BLESS THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION GOD BLESS AMERICA
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