Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Layout: - Create a card from your words, quote, or poetry
In me, you have a place where you can stay
In me, you have a place where you can stay, To talk with life, to dream and to dispel This hell that seems like heaven, where pain is borrowed. Let ships sail across waters, In search of a deserted port of whispers, When thoughts, in cold and time, don't know what to do. With you, each moment becomes a shore, And unknown ports where love unfolds gently. With you, life takes root, blooming in a thousand dreams, With you, the sky bears familiar and concise shadows. I am the place where you can always stay, Watching ships sail afar on a path to paradise, Carrying our love on the mast, our story written at the threshold. I adore you, wherever you reside within me, I am yours, soul and body, without shame. Beyond ruin and heaven, You give me strength to live and to have. Do not sin with your body without me, I know all the hidden pleasures within you. Do not forgive yourself unless you think of us, And of the unspoken dreams, with eyes full of rain. Do not bow to ceremonial icons, Unless everything seems pointless, in harmony. When your lips no longer speak the truth, And you don't know in which kiss they found the sky. Be cautious in all things, When nights from the shadows steal you away with stars, And your hair shines under thousands of divine rays, Speaking to you in a splendid language that envelops you. Do not sin with your heart in all things, For a ring of fire will replace it. In prayers and in the spell of relentless sin, Stay here and tell me you're enveloped in longing. Embrace my soul and the moment, Give back the years lost, the wing lost. Do, love, somehow heal my wound, And no longer believe in false angels. Between heaven and earth, you find my life Torn by the fangs of merciless love, without mercy. Bleeding over flowers and common words, Without a touch of understanding, experiences left in the wind. You find me crying under rusty trees, Searching for an exit from a dream, without the peace of a thousand mornings. To live quietly under leaden clouds, Belonging to no one, if that is the destiny, in the shadow. To love your eyes in the late autumn, When destiny is an invisible wave, in a deserted sea, Kissing the sand of a familiar beach, Looking for your steps in unknown ports. Between heaven and earth, nothing is lost, You exist at the crossroads of thoughts, uninterrupted. Between silver temples, you are a new beginning, You are the spring I listen to, flowing unexpectedly toward the soul. My life I dedicate to you without sin, Without doubts, for thousands of years dedicated. Between heaven and earth, without climbing steps, Towards your heart, to teach me, to believe me, to know me. What can I say when my soul hurts, And trees bloom with every breath? When the shadow in mirrors fades, And the clover leaf is torn and dazzling? What can I do to have you here with me, When I scream, cry, and no longer keep silent, Life's walls are ruins, With deep abysses and storms that steal me? What can I say when I have no strength, to bear the sky full of clouds? When my heart at my chest craves your love, at dawn? The seas demand their tribute, just like dawn, How can I say that daily I wander, futilely? In the world of unknown stories, I lose myself, searching for you, To find the forest in your eyes, green in another shade of emerald. How can I offer you love among tears to gather, When you are a universe, in another dimension, full of desires? Help me, and tell me what is happening, Illuminate my thoughts of plenitude, When winters bloom at our temples, And love lives through divine sacrifices.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things