Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

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Terror Bugs: Part 5 - A Freezer Mice Adventure
[Continued from ‘Terror Bugs: Part 4 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’] __________ A water cannon screeched around the corner on two wheels Four and twenty Terror Bugs were nipping at its heels Their acid blistered paint work but it barely harmed the steel For this was high grade stainless steel and Stan was at the wheel He pulled up by the Freezer Mice and one door opened wide Churchill said, “Excuse me, Miss,” as all three climbed inside Sat there next to Stanley was a lady looking glum Stanley Dann said, “Let me introduce you to my mum.” Stan’s mum said, “It’s cramped in here but if Stan told no lies I’m given to believe that you can all reduce your size.” The Freezer Mice all clicked their fingers which made extra space And shrinking down to mouse like size enlivened Stan’s Mum’s face Mrs Dann said, “Stanley likes the plan that I’ve proposed, But if we are to do this thing, that side door should be closed.” The slamming of the door meant that the scent of shrew was gone The Terror Bugs were left with just the truck to set upon Some bugs leapt and some bugs flew and some sprayed viscous acid In the water cannon’s cab the occupants were placid Stanley whispered, “When they make no progress, this will pass, This truck is top spec hardened steel, the screens are toughened glass.” A Terror Bug jumped on the truck which startled Mrs Dann Churchill said, “I think it’s time to listen to your plan.” Mrs Dann said, “I’ve had words with industry insiders, The stuff we’ve brought is what we need to kill those horrid spiders.” “Those Terror Bugs aren’t spiders,” Churchill said in acrid tones, “Spiders, Mrs Dann, have no desire to munch our bones.” Mrs Dann said, “Two legs and six arms add up to eight, And eight limbs means they’re spiders and this truck will seal their fate.” Crocket shook his head and said, “Look, Mrs Dann, we’re sorry, We won’t be drowning spiders with the water in this lorry.” Cody couldn't help himself. “My God, I’ve realised… You’ve filled the tank with conkers, pulverised and liquidised.” Mrs Dann said, “That’s an old wive’s tale and you’d be bonkers To try to kill those hairy bugs with juice made out of conkers So we bring no horse chestnut juice for that would be pathetic Instead I bring you acid of the kind we call acetic.” “That’s vinegar to you and me,” said Stan, “and if I’m right, My mum has brought the potent kind and that’s the kind that’s white.” His mother grinned and said, “So far we’ve had way too much luck Those creatures haven’t managed yet to tear apart this truck.” Churchill gazed at all the bugs that drooled corrosive ooze. “It seems, all things considered… that we don’t have much to lose.” I guess we should try all the tools that sit within our power So hit the fire button and let’s give those bugs a shower.” Stanley grasped the joystick to direct the liquid blast He hit the fire button spraying acid hard and fast The Terror Bugs stood frozen as the acid soaked their hair And as their pelts began to burn they shed them then and there Stepping out of cast off skins the bugs were now scale covered But still their squeals were agonised as these new skins were smothered But even in their agony the bugs advanced once more Though now their feet were burning from the acid puddled floor Many bugs had lost their wings when ravaged skins were shed Others were more fortunate and hovered overhead The ones that dived upon the truck in numbers hard to count Tried to yank the nozzle off of its rotating mount “Stanley,” Churchill hollered, “drive those creatures to our ship, We’ll make them follow us inside and then give them the slip.” Stanley’s mum said, “All those bugs ain’t gonna fit in there.” And Cody tapped on Churchill’s head. “He’s hatching us a dare.” Churchill said, “That ship of ours ain’t going back to space The three of us are pretty cozy back at Stanley’s place I do suspect the two of you won’t like my little plan But what I have in mind is ‘Operation Sardine Can’.” Stanley yelled, “This plan of yours, you’d better act on it The bugs are almost at your ship but they ain’t gonna fit.” The Freezer Mice clicked fingers and were man size shrews once more Cody pulled the handle and they leapt out through the door With Terror Bugs retreating but with vinegar depleting The Freezer Mice raced to their ship; their visit would be fleeting Cody pushed a lever and the ship expanded greatly The Terror Bugs invaded; neither wisely nor sedately Crammed inside the massive craft the Terror Bugs were frantic Cody ducked behind his seat which felt a pointless antic But every bug fell silent like a witch had cast a spell Crocket yelled, “The vinegar! They cannot smell our smell.” Churchill drew his phaser, watching Crocket do the same “Cody, pull that lever and let’s end their little game.” The Terror Bugs all turned to where the two of them were hid And Cody said, “Goodbye, Old Girl.” The lever smoothly slid “Get out now and click your fingers; time we should be shrinking.” Churchill double checked to see his friends weren’t over thinking The Freezer Mice clicked fingers and they ran from whence they hid Their favourite faithful spaceship shrunk more slowly than they did Out through missile launcher tubes located in the aft And followed by compressed air forced out from the shrinking craft They span around; the ship shrank down; all life aboard was spent And blood and gore spewed out through every launcher tube and vent *** Stanley’s mother ran up, Stanley, panting, way behind “I think when we were in the truck, those bugs were rendered blind, I think that its because those creatures see in infra red.” Churchill said, “No matter now… they’re well and truly dead.” __________ [Continued in ‘Terror Bugs: Epilogue - A Freezer Mice Adventure’]
Copyright © 2025 Terry Flood. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry