Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Layout: - Create a card from your words, quote, or poetry
Choose unironically ripping off a film to be ironic Choose now because then will never be enough Choose puff puff puff puff puff pass because you’ll never have enough Choose feeling guilty in the morning because it’s better than sobriety Choose watching the movie instead of reading the book Choose a diet of coffee, fags and alcohol so you die before you remember Choose a t-shirt with a design on the back so you can have a personality Choose a McDonalds breakfast because the ad told you to Choose a rhyming couplet to be traditional Choose the right party to be constitutional Choose voting for the fox in disguise because the wolf bares it’s teeth Choose third wave feminism because you need an identity Choose bringing down the patriarchy because there’s nothing better to do on a Sunday morning Choose loving a random person because you hope they love you too Choose pretending that everything’s alright because if you admit it’s not everything will fall apart Choose falling deeper because it’s easier to fall than to climb back out Choose a life of desperation, regret and pain because everything else is two dimensional Choose being pathetic because nothing else will ever work Choose a random guy to be spontaneous because everything else is planned Choose an iced watermelon tropical passion fruit and kiwi vape to get you through a day of absolutely nothing Choose a five bedroom house with two bathrooms and an en suite with an open plan kitchen-dining area and a kitchen island with little stools around it that will never be used because they’re uncomfortable and are there purely for aesthetic purposes Choose colour changing LED lights because your mood should be defined by the colours around you Choose a death bed of poppies to pity the victims of their creation Choose being sarcastic because humour is all there is Choose optimism so you have more to drink Choose an eclectic music taste for all occasions because you must be accepted Choose sex with a person you love because you ed everything else Choose God in a vacuum-packed ready meal ready to eat in two minutes (in bite sized pieces) because you can’t jump into believing all at once Choose artistic robbery because no other robbery is as fulfilling Choose repeated techniques and extended metaphors with personification and assonance and consonance and sibilance so all the English teachers have a job Choose recycling because the environment is important and you must feel good about something Choose protesting so you matter to an undefined united utopian organisation Choose alliteration because it’s taught to primary school students Choose an electric car because you can and will save the environment single-handedly Choose a hybrid car to satisfy Greta Choose a gas-guzzling Ford because the power and the people of the United States are most important to those who own it Choose cycling to inflate your ego Choose walking because you need to be important Choose human ing beings because it’s all you’ll be and we’ll be and I am and you are and how do we and what do we and why do we choose Choose to continue Choose the pause button when you go to the bathroom Choose a TV show with an archetypal male character that struggles through life with uninspiring repetitive originality and a love interest which never starts and never finishes and a friend or two and a cheap car with a faulty engine and a vague meaning which applies to everyone because everyone has to feel something and art is a collective mob Choose a double bed because you enjoy sleeping next to a ghost Choose an iced oat latte with two shots of espresso and three pumps chai and one oat with organically processed coffee beans that come from fair trade farms in a town far far away in Columbia somewhere because it’s socially acceptable to be addicted to caffeine Choose a weekly shop at Lidl to organise chaos until you realise everything is smaller and everything is bigger The universe and the stars and the earth and the land and the people and the dust and the atoms and the neutrons and quarks and everything came together to choose you Choose believing that you exist in this world Choose forgetting this world forced you to exist Choose writing so you can tell the world to itself for existing Because on the nose and blatant is choosing to continue on Choose convention Choose repetition Choose choosing Choose metaphorical miscommunication Choose abstinence Choose nothing because something is really nothing Choose please oh god choose Choose freedom Choose passion Choose kindness Choose beauty Choose for s sake Just choose Choose life
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things