Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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I Love You, Daddy
I Love You, Daddy ( Previous title has been changed!) Golly! I do miss Daddy and the luxury of the Cadillac Fleetwod Car Series! My Dad would only buy these till he died, in his eighties. In this very huge car, Uncle Pete, from Italy, taught me to drive, as my Father would sweat bullets! Cars were hide in the 1050’s. It was four door and air-conditioned.Unique in 1956! Spiffy whitewall tires, and the AC was in the trunk! He also owned a Buick and a station wagon with wood siding, a ‘Woodie’. These days,they are auctioned at Sotheby’s! Dad wore a suit everyday and a Borsalino hat. When I see successful men, I see them in suits, overcoats and Borsalino! Fine white shirts and proper cuff links. That is what I saw as a young girl… On hot summer days, Dad wore a vest with a summer suit. No belts, ever, as he was a suspenders man. Always expensive shoes, that he shined with pride! I never saw him in jeans or running about in pajamas. My Grandpa Pete, was the same way. Dad and Grandpa looked like twin executives! But both were fun and down to earth! They shared a love for people. Loved music, family and telling jokes! I then grew up to be quite casual and the cars I bought were tiny.weird,foreign cars. I wanted to have a car that was not popular like the Cadillac or other big cars of those years. I was so ptoud of my first cat, a Fiat 600 Then, invited my Dad for a drive. Dad was quite tall! And in the Fiat? He looked enormous. Unfortunately. He could not wear his famous Borsalino in that bug of a car, as his head hit the ceiling! Dad affectionately referred to my Fiat as the “Coffee Can.” And…I am hardly like my Dad. In cars, dress or my lifestyle. Nonetheless, he was an outstanding man! In his lifetime, he owned four business establishments. They were operated with the same class, Daddy had. He vowed to never work for anyone and worked twelve hours a day along with my Mom. They never took vacations. And only took off work on Mondays. Money was spent on entertaining family and friends. They bought a huge l home in the suburbs when I was ten. They shared their profits with the Chirch, and supporting anyone, family or friend, who needed help. He would drive miles to pick up nuns and priests, who came to our house for dinner. Dinner on Lenox China with elegant sterling silverware. And always, dinner by candlelight. We always ate on the finelt tablecloths.with music in the background by Cole Porter or Gershwin. Mom had many siblings they were at our house often! My daughter, Maria, rightly named her son, Edward! Like my Dad, he is called, “Eddie.”And he also will be a good man and successful in life. Maria was adored by my Father. He was heartbroken when we moved West.So she spent summers with Dad and Mom. Maria flew alone since she was six,to be with them. Next to Dad’s bed was a rosary and a prayer book. He was a faithful Father to me, but more importantly……to the Lord When Dad died I insisted I drive his car and be the lead car to his final resting place. I put a bear in the back window of the Cadillac, as my tears fell like rain, on my summer skirt! If there are cars in heaven, I know he is driving a Callac right now! I used to call his car, “The Silver Dreamer”, because he loved beauty in life. And had dreams of making it better. Rest In Peace, Daddy! (Your navy blue Borsalino is in my closet! I keep thinking you will show up one day, to reclaim it…..if only…..) Love, Panagiota 10/5/2022
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things