Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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On Naming Plants and Animals
A Commentary on "A Note on the [Patriarchal-Colonizing] Treatment of Plant Names" by Robin Wall Kimmerer, p. 385 BRAIDING SWEETGRASS: INDIGENOUS WISDOM, SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, AND THE [SACRED] TEACHINGS OF PLANTS I too often accept with nary a LeftBrain dominant thought that our verbalized labels for individual EgoPersons are RoyallyCAPITALIZED. To write "Marvin Appletree" would be to strip my tree of His/Her sacred status as an EarthTribe indigenous child of MotherEartha Just-us another tree of unvoiced organic life Long before my own anthrosupremacist sense of owning Real Estate and all the Othered squatters breathing anonymously on It. It would be LeftBrain laughable to write "Mr. or Ms. Mosquito" if this were in reference to an anonymously alien flying insect, any non-individuated transexual yet potentially annoying predative Other. LeftBrain Capitalization conveys a supremely Either/Or divisive distinction, difference, privileged dissociation The anthrosupremacist position of humans predatively communicating without predicatively engaging our sacred Grand Canyon spaces inside our own deep listening embodied Creations Our own proprietary barren Estates esteemed private and corporate ownership within a Patriarchal hierarchy of capsized CAPITALIZED Beings. Economists have widely adopted the win/lose Capitalism convention of not sufficiently capitalizing investing in common sacred values of MotherTree-governed organic plants and wild sexsensory animals unless they are included in a HumanNature narrative for an official neurosystemic space place LeftBrain labeled Holy Spirit Natured Sanctuary. Thus, the first blossoms of my favorite RightBrain cooperative gift: Spring bursting flowers forth in sacred organic forests Are LeftBrain written as bloodroot and the pink star of a California Yosemite National Park tiger lily. This seemingly natural non-spiritual LeftBrain normative verbal rulemaking in either AnthroDivine/OrAlienOther labeling expresses deeply held competitive win/lose assumptions about HumanNature monopolized monotheistic dualistic exceptionalism That LeftBrain dominant anthro-privileged speakers and writers are more sacredly valued neuro-sexsensually better and monotheistically superior to other earthtribe panentheistic wholy spirited/nature brain/body crown/root chakra species Defensively reacting as our unvoiced Othered also-ran un-invested backdrop, Mere organic edible or not delectable with only the trusted Truth and Beauty we so royally assign LeftBrain dominantly above On our magnanimous best sacrosanct healthy days and benign wealthy nights to revere our Sacred Elders. Indigenous wisdom recognizes reconnects re-ligions polycultural outside co-relationship of all interdependent inside neuro-systemic organic co-empathic becomings As equally 7th Principle unitarian sacred journeys into ecopolitically universally important sacred Earth co-redemption RightBrain imported transpositioned communioned wellness felt co-passionate pleasure Not in a monogamous monolithic hierarchy of ecopolitical scarcity noticing only what is necessary to merely win/lose monotheistically survive otherwise earth-soiled degenerative lose/lose nihilistic genocidal ecocidal narcissistic LeftBrain dominant unvoiced nameless outcomes But a PolyCultural Blue/Green Global Communion revolving global MotherTree gifts spiraling double-helix spirals of EarthTribe Win/Win balancing life includes RightBrain emotive love positive prioritized impressions. So, in my LeftBrain universal anthro-narrative as in my RightBrain sacred eco-unitarian love life I break, decapitalize left to reconnect RightFelt AnthroBrain neuro-embodied unblinders, to write and speak and sing and sacred circle messianic enlightened mind voice fully empowered choice bodhisattva body-pleasure Dancing with MarvinGaye AppleTree, with WiseBlueHeron and BoisterousWalrus spirited natures when I value each panentheistic person, naturally wholy neuro-sexsensually open spirit-natures, and those not yet sung Seeking health wishes and sexensory environmental safety trusted LeftBrain truth and sacred felt RightBrain beauty Bicameral anthems of EarthTribe crown/root sugar maples, brain/body eagles, and bicameral balancing humans When I value a LeftBrain EitherMe/OrWe category BOTH/AND Elder RightBrain's holonically nonverbal multiculturally informed polyculturally exformed poyphonically symbiotic polypathically felt polyvagal neuro-sexsensory abundant co-passionate win/win Yang-strong/yintegral-flow universal/unitarian Left/Right bipartisan reconception of Capitalized Consumer Commodities as deeply productive meaningful mindful listening for EarthMother gifts of IndigenousWisdom Voting by sacred presence for resilient EarthTribe unvoiced choice, Left-healthy and Right sacred safety wealth WholeEarth open democratic recycling revolving dynamic breathing in from above SunLight as out from below EarthPower co-passion balancing mother-eartha uncapped synergy.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry